World Association for Sexual Health ( WAS) has developed a sexual health declaration for ALL people.
It States the following:
Recognize, promote, ensure and protect sexual rights for all
Sexual rights are an integral component of basic human rights and therefore are inalienable and universal. Sexual health is an integral component of the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health. Sexual health cannot be obtained or maintained without sexual rights for all.
Advance toward gender equity: Sexual health requires gender equity and respect. Gender-related inequities and imbalances of power deter constructive and harmonic human interactions and therefore the attainment of sexual health.
Condemn, combat and reduce all forms of sexuality related violence: Sexual health cannot be attained until people are free of stigma, discrimination, sexual abuse, coercion and violence.
Provide universal access to comprehensive sexuality education and information.
To achieve sexual health, all individuals, including youth, must have access to comprehensive sexuality education and sexual health information and services throughout the life cycle.
Ensure that reproductive health programs recognize the centrality of sexual healthReproduction is one of the critical dimensions of human sexuality and may contribute to strengthening relationships and personal fulfillment when desired and planned. Sexual health encompasses reproductive health. Current reproductive health programs must be broadened to address the various dimensions of sexuality and sexual health in a comprehensive manner.
Halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Universal access to effective prevention, voluntary counseling and testing, comprehensive care and treatment of HIV/AIDS and other STI are equally essential to sexual health. Programs that assure universal access must be scaled up immediately.
Identify, address and treat sexual concerns, dysfunctions and disorders
Since sexual concerns, dysfunctions and disorders impact quality of life, it is critical to recognize, prevent and treat sexual concerns, dysfunctions and disorders.
Achieve recognition of sexual pleasure as a component of holistic health and well-beingSexual health is more than the absence of disease. The right to sexual pleasure should be universally recognized and promoted. It is essential that international, regional, national and local plans of action for sustainabledevelopment prioritize sexual health interventions, allocate sufficient resources, address systemic,structural and community barriers and monitor progress.
Approved by the WAS General Assembly on April 17th, 2007, Sydney, Australia