Wednesday, September 26, 2012

SE&X Network presentations

For those of you who couldn't make it to the last two sessions;

  • Websites and apps and 
  • Bringing up the conversation

here are the links to the online prezi presentations.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Resources for Trans Women and Men

Click on the links below to see these sexual health resources that were passed on to me by the fabulous Nat Giffney. They were created by the Terrence Higgins Trust

AFL and addressing homophobia

Hopefully you watched some of these at the footy finals. Can't wait to see what the response is on GRAND FINAL day.

How to talk sexuality with young people

You might think from the title that this would be a long post. Well... the recipee that I use is short and sweet. Talking about sexual health with clients is actually easy. These steps might help.

  1. Recognise that your client is a 'sexual being'. This means that they have a legitimate right to learn about themselves - including their sexual self.
  2. Give permission for clients to talk about sex, sexuality and sexual health. This doesn't take much but it is one of the things that many workers find difficult.
  3. Bring up the subject yourself. If you haven't seen anything around you in the past week that would make a good topic then I reckon you have been sleeping. For example here are a few headlines from ninemsn today.
These are just four headlines from 20 seconds searching. There are HEAPS of topics out there. Sometimes we see so many that we become blind to them.

Classic Photoshopping

Celebrate Bisexuality

Kate's breasts, Pussy Riot, virginity tests and our attitude on women's bodies

Thanks to miss representation via adios barbie for the following post.

"In a hypersexualized culture, in which porn is available 24-7, it is not female nudity that is scandalous...Rather, what is still scandalous to our culture is when women take ownership of their own bodies. Staging a strip performance is no
t disruptive to social order in Moscow, but three punk poets using their sexuality to make a satirical comment about Russian leader Vladimir Putin is destabilizing and must be punished." - Naomi Wolf 

Go here to read more

The French publication Closer published photos of Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, sunbathing topless.

Rule of Law -Say No Unite To End Violence Against Women

Make it Your Rule of Law Week: September 24 - 29

The rule of law often rules women out. At the 67th UN General Assembly world leaders will focus on strengthening women's access to justice. Stay tuned for news and updates here. Take action by sharing them with your friends and networks.

A Message From SHineSA

World Contraception Day is celebrated on the 26th  of September 2012

World Contraception Day is a worldwide campaign with a vision for a world where every pregnancy is wanted. Its mission is to improve awareness of contraception to enable young people to make informed decisions on sexual and reproductive health.

SHine SA is marking World Contraception Day this year with a reminder to agencies and individuals to encourage young people to exercise their right to search for accurate, unbiased information about contraception - to prevent an unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection (STI).

We can provide you with a sample of the range of resources that we produce which are available to support the work with your clients and communities to help inform choices in contraception. Please contact  if you would like a pack sent to you.  Jess can also provide you with information about other resources you can order from SHine SA.

A new resource, recently launched by the Minister for Health & Ageing, the Honourable John Hill, consists of 4 short videos which address contraceptive myths. They can be used for educational purposes and are available on You Tube:

An A5 poster and wallet card have been developed to accompany this new resource and they can also be ordered from SHine SA.

Please visit our website for further information and resources.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Free Online Sexual Health Articles

As part of their contribution to World Sexual Health Day ( September 4) the Taylor and Francis online publishers are making over 35 sexual health articles available FREE until the end of September.

CLICK HERE to access their website and start reading.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Murraylands Headspace Invitation

An invitation from Murraylands Headspace

Murraylands headspace invites you to join us for a preview screening of the new movie

Wallis Cinema, Mt Barker
Thursday the 20th of September at 7:30pm
$10 per head
Please extend this invitation to anyone working with young people, parents and friends.
You are welcome to join us for coffee in the
Auchendarroch Tavern after the movie

Please RSVP to Rachel/Frauke on 8531 2122 or to

*Please note this film contains content of a graphic nature and is not appropriate viewing for children. Please invite young people at your discretion taking into consideration the ‘M’ rating of the film.

youthwork ethics: Dilemma: Touch sensitive?

This is a recent discussion that has been going on at the youthworks ethics website.

youthwork ethics: Dilemma: Touch sensitive?: This dilemma is about physical contact between youth workers and young people, in a variety of situations: ...

Racism/body image/culture

Really good article by Noel Duan on the pressures to look thin' like the asian girls are' is tied up with all sorts of our own body image issues and cultural myths and expectations. have a read CLICK HERE

next SE&X network meeting

Next SE&X Network meeting: (Please register your attendance prior to coming).
Wednesday 26 September -  Starting the Conversation

Many of us have trouble knowing where to start the conversation around sexual health. Come and see the latest research about what young people want us to say. Hear directly from a panel of young people.

Where: SHine SA, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
Parking off Bower Street
When: 11.00 am – 1.00 pm
Enquiries & registration
Tel: 8300 5317

TSS Inside Out project


Come along to an information night about the group, meet other people, and have your say about how we can assist you to better manage your health and wellbeing

WHERE:  The Second Story Youth Health Service
               57 Hyde Street, Adelaide
WHEN:    Thursday 13 September 2012, 6pm – 8pm
(Refreshments will be provided)

For more information and to register, contact:
Peter Reuter on (tel) 8232 0233 or (email)

RSVP: By Monday 10 September 2012

The aim of the information night is to discuss the proposed series of sessions that TSS will be running for this group and, most importantly, to enable them to have input into that process.

Once TSS has consulted with participants, it will be developing a more detailed program of group sessions that will be distributed to you for your information and dissemination to your networks.

TSS would appreciate your support in promoting the information night to those clients who you consider would benefit from participating in such a group.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact either Peter Reuter or Tina Karanastasis on (tel) 8232 0233


Have a look at this FB page challenging gendered stereotypes:


AFL tackles homophobia

AFL League chief Andrew Demetriou, Olympic flag bearer Lauren Jackson and Collingwood president Eddie McGuire will lead the charge to change attitudes in sport and the workplace.
The campaign will begin just weeks after St Kilda's Stephen Milne used a homophobic slur against Magpie Harry O'Brien.
Can the AFL win the war on homophobia? CLICK HERE TO HAVE YOUR SAY
A year-long TV and social media campaign will encourage people to stand up and help make a difference.

In a letter pushing the initiative, Mr Demetriou said discrimination should not be tolerated and everybody had a responsibility to tackle negative attitudes and behaviour. 
Photo: [follow this link for a short clip and analysis hegemonic masculinity and the 'no homo' phenomena:]

Particiapte in GLBTIQ survey


Dear Shine

I was wondering if you would mind forwarding the upcoming Consumer Consultation to your networks. Input from outside of Sydney will need to be via email.

We are seeking LGBTI consumer views for a consultation on mental health and suicide prevention services.

The Alliance is the national peak health organisation for a range of organisations and individuals from across Australia that work together to improve the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex and other sexuality, sex and gender diverse (LGBTI) people and communities. Formed in 2007, the Alliance includes the major providers of specialist community-based services for LGBTI people in Australia, with Members drawn from each State and Territory.

A key area of work for the Alliance is the improvement of mental health and suicide prevention outcomes in LGBTI populations.  The Alliance has been funded by the Department of Health and Ageing for a two year project called MindOUT! which has a focus on working with mainstream mental health and suicide prevention organisations to assist them to be more responsive to the needs of LGBTI persons and communities.

We have placed the attached advertisement in some LGBTI magazines, and would appreciate it if you could forward the information below to your network.

Your input is sought to improve mental health services for LGBTI  people.

If you have used a mental health service recently, we need your input.

The Alliance is interested in hearing your views on:

-              What makes a service LGBTI friendly or unfriendly?


-              What services have been helpful and why?

-              Do you think services should ask about your sexuality, sex or gender identity?

-              What kinds of support do you think mental health services should offer?

There are two ways to participate:

1. Come to a one hour Consultation Meeting on Saturday 15th September 2012 at Level 1, 222 King Street Newtown, at 2pm.

2. Email to provide email input by the 15th of September 2012

More information on the MindOUT! project  is available online

New Rainbow YOUTH Collective

An exciting new grassroots group, run by young people, has been created in Adelaide to combat homophobia in high schools, universities and the broader community.

We would like to invite you to attend our launch party this Friday night and please extend the invitation to all your networks.

Kind regards,


On behalf of the Rainbow Youth Collective


* Please forward to your friends, networks and groups :)

Rainbow Youth Collective

             Official Launch Party!
I have passed on this great information: Sounds like a really good initiative.

Friday 7th September

5:00 - 8:00pm

Adelaide Activist Centre, Level 2, 95 Currie St

Entry by donation, food & drinks available

Come one, come all to The Rainbow Youth Collective's Coming Out Soiree!

The Rainbow Youth Collective is an Adelaide based collective of queer and straight youth. This newly found group is banding together with the aim of ending homophobia in high schools, universities, the workplace and in wider society.

So if you are interested in helping us ending homophobia throughout our youth or just wish to make connections and share your experiences then come on down.

The event also coincides with Wear It Purple Day, a national youth anti-homophobia day, so please wear purple to show your support!

So whether you are Gay, Straight or a little in between but want to help make this world an equal and fair society then we will see you there, for food, drinks and a good time :)

* A small donation on entry is appreciated - this is a fundraiser event for the Collective *

For more info contact Tina on 0406 814 219 or Gemma on 0437 714 786