Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Body image and appearance messages

I came across a series of advertisements that challenge the messages fed to us through mainstream marketting, messages which include;
Women's perceived roles in relationships
Body image and appearance expectations

Below is an example of one of advert and a series of questions are asked which probe the messages built into them.

This site (About Face) has 9 ads with corresponding questions and I think this could act as an excellent activity for groups and assist in raising questions relating to the marketting / consumerism machine and how people (particularly women) are used to sell product. Take a look......

Questions to consider:
Where is the boy's head placed?
What is covering up the girl's breasts?
How old does she look?
Is this advertisement appropriate for teenagers?
What do you think of the sexy way she is shown?

What We Think:
This advertisement tells us that a girl needs nothing but accessories and boys (after all, she literally has nothing else on). Advertisers use women's sexuality to grab the attention of consumers to stimulate desire, hoping that desire will be transferred to their product. When women's bodies are used to sell products, they become commodities themselves, presented as awards for consumption. And while we're on the topic of consumption, this picture is sexually explicit. This advertisement was shown in the popular Teen Vogue magazine. How does this affect teenagers' perception of what sexy is?

The Facts:
"[The U.S. has] the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the developed world. Generally, teenagers are hypersexualized in our culture today." – Jean Kilbourne, from her video Killing Us Softly 3

Self Esteem Beauty

Another fantastic dove film. Please watch

Friday, February 22, 2008

Question Box

In addition to the discussion about pleasure in sexual health education; on the night of the forum ( see post below) we had an anonymous question box. All participants were asked to write a question on the paper provided and put it in the box over the break. On the groups return we would try and answer the questions.

Included in this blog post are the questions that we were asked AND answers. However these answers are a bit more in detail than they were on the night. Please have a look below and make any comments you wish.

Questions from Question Box

1. How do traditional male/female roles contribute to decrease female pleasure and increase male pleasure?

This is an interesting question. On the night it was answered with a ‘different cultures and different people have different roles and ideas/expectations of what ‘pleasure’ is perspective. However from the article Factors that shape young people’s sexual behaviour: a systematic review in the Lancet 2006; 368: 1581–86, Department of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London WC1E 7HT, UK(C Marston PhD,E King MSc (Med)) it is clear that Gender stereotypes are crucial in determining social expectations and behaviour. Research is showing us that All the societies studied (over 256 qualitative studeies) from around the world had strikingly similar expectations of men’s and women’s behaviour. Men are expected to be highly heterosexually active, and women chaste, women’s virginity at marriage often has high social value. Vaginal penetration is perceived to be important in determining masculinity, and marks the transition from boyhood to manhood. Men are expected to seek physical pleasure, but women desiring sex can be branded “loose”or “cheap”. Where romantic love is expected to precede marriage, sex for young women must be linked to romance, and they are expected to be “swept off their feet” into sexual intercourse, in a way that is not logical, planned, or rational.Men, on the other hand, may scheme and plot to obtain sex, for example, by deceiving women into thinking the relationship is a serious one when it is not. Paradoxically, despite the stigmatising effect for women in carrying condoms or using other contraception, women, not men, are generally considered responsible for pregnancy prevention.

The study found that Seven key themes emerged:

a) Young people assess potential sexual partners as “clean” or “unclean”;
b) sexual partners have an important influence on behaviour in general;
c) condoms are stigmatising and associated with lack of trust;
d) gender stereotypes are crucial in determining social expectations and, in turn, behaviour;
e) there are penalties and rewards for sex from society;
f) reputations and social displays of sexual activity or inactivity are important;
g) and social expectations hamper communication about sex.

The themes do not seem to be exclusive to any particular country or cultural background, and all themes were present, in varying degrees, in all countries assessed.

While this doesn’t speak specifically about how traditional roles contribute to female or male pleasure I think inferences could be drawn or explored further with this as a basis.

In addition you may want to read this excerpt from the SEXETC blog

Boys are allowed to touch their genitals when they're urinating," explains Whipple. (Beverly Whipple, PhD, RN, Professor Emerita at Rutgers University and an expert on sexual pleasure) "This helps them feel comfortable about touching their bodies. Girls are given the message from a very young age, 'Don't touch down there. It's dirty.' " There's a lot more at stake here than orgasms. If girls feel they aren't entitled to enjoy sex, then they are less likely to say "no" to sex or to use contraception if they say, "yes," experts say. That's because they see sex as someone else's decision. They do it to please their boyfriends—or to make their boyfriends love them, rather than because they want to have sex.

"Girls need to be given the message that they can be in control," Whipple explains. "It's really important for them to be empowered to say when something does or doesn't feel good."
They also need to hear positive messages, like, "You're worthwhile. You have a lot to offer. You have a right to pleasure," says Whipple.

2. Do men aim to please female partner or just to please themselves?

This may have something to do with the first question; however it also generalises about people.Yes many men aim to please themselves as the above article says there is a strong social construct that says “ men are expected to seek pleasure’ Yet there are also many men who see it as their duty to learn about the female body and female pleasure. The aim is to get all people to realise that pleasure, and the art of pleasure is to ensure that all parties enjoy their sexuality and sexual experiences be they solo, with a partner, with groups, same sex or hetero or whatever! I often speak with young men that say “ If I learn what turns on a girl I’ll be a better lover and then get more sex when word gets around.”
It's more difficult to sexually please a female," says Greg, 17, of Pennsylvania . "Guys are afraid they don"t know how to please their partner and so they're reluctant to try."

3. If we knew what pleased us would we know better what dis-pleased us?

Absolutely, there are more and more studies that link this with public health outcomes. For example here is a quote from Anne Philpott, Wendy Knerr, Dermot Maher “The investigators argue that “public health outcomes may benefit from a greater acceptance of positive sexual experiences”. Other researchers have claimed that denying the possibility of enjoyment in sexual relations, especially for women, has a negative effect on active negotiation and, therefore, safer sex.”

Knowing what we don’t like is so important be it touching in a particular are of the body, the environment that we seek pleasure in, or coercion or anything else.

4. I am curious about the difference between orgasm and ejaculation.

I am presuming from our conversation on the night that this is a question about male orgasm and ejaculation. Here is a description that I like taken from “ Living with a Willy – The Inside Story” by Nick Fisher.

“Ejaculation usually occurs when you reach a physical sexual climax either through wanking or sex or oral sex. And it’s a very physical event: your heart rate and blood pressure increase, your breathing is often much faster than normal, and as you ejaculate, the muscles in your genital area contract and spunk is pumped out through your penis. It’s a big occasion for the body and, because of what goes on, you usually get extremely pleasant sensations which create an intense moment called an orgasm.
Ejaculation is what happens to you physically; it’s the act of spurting spunk. But an orgasm is what you feel. The two don’t always go together. It is possible to have an orgasm and feel all those intense sensations and huge pleasures without ejaculating. And you can ejaculate without having those great feelings. Sometimes its just a quick spurt with very little feeling at all. Yet sometimes it can be so sensual and exciting that you experience orgasmic feelings without ejaculating”

I hope this clears it up a little.

5. In a hetero relationship do males learn about female orgasm from other males or females?

Both: Young men learn lots from each other which of course isn’t always accurate. As human beings they often think that the experience they have had is the same that ALL people have. Of course we know that we all have different experiences. They may also learn lots from young women either through experience or questioning.

The other place of course that young men are learning (or seeing) about female orgasm is on the net. This tends to be in porno sites that may be showing false images, false expectations and lacks any teaching process. Porno on the web is often created to fool young men into thinking that it is real. Eg just out cruising and two girls happened to jump in the car and ask for anal sex. By it’s casual nature and home film appearance it is marketed as ‘real’

In terms of teaching about orgasm we have over the past assumed that young men should be taught by men as this will make it easier to be honest and ask questions. I have recently read some research that indicated that young men felt more comfortable learning about sexuality (the research wasn’t specifically about orgasm) from women teachers.

6. Does shine have many resources for loan or keeps for 13 to 16 year olds?

Yes - go to Click the library and resource centre tag on the left of the page. Apart from current resources you can also see the ‘current awareness service’ which lists all new resources, books, and journal articles as they come in.

7. Can a girl get pregnant if she has sex in a hot tub?

Yes and I am sure it has happened many times. While hot water kills sperm it ONLY kills sperm that is in the hot tub. Not in the woman’s vagina.

8. What is the difference between sex and sexuality?

Here is my own try at “ Sex is” Sex is a range of physical and mental activities from masturbation to flirting, from kissing to petting, from oral sex to intercourse from imagining to doing.

I know that the majority of people that I speak to often say that sex = intercourse. But I think it is much more than that.

Here is how SHine SA describes sexuality:
Sexuality is a part of who we are, what we think and feel about ourselves, our bodies and how we relate to others. A person's sexuality is unique and individual.
It is shaped by many things, culture and tradition, the society we live in, life experiences and personal beliefs.
The relationships in which people express their sexuality are many and varied. Sexuality develops and changes throughout a person's life. It is a part of us from birth to death, for all our life. It can be a joyous and enriching part of who we are.
SHine SA believes in celebrating all positive expressions of sexuality

9. Any suggestions of how high school teachers can get parental support?

It is DECS policy that a letter goes home to parents and caregivers detailing what is going to be covered within the upcoming lessons, inviting them to contact their child’s teacher if they have concerns or questions. It is then, an individual school’s decision, if they want to have parents give informed consent ie sign and return to the school indicating they give permission for their child to participate in the lessons, or passive consent ie they are invited to contact the school if they have any questions and would like to withdraw their child from the lessons. In this case if there is no response from the parents, consent is assumed and the student participates.
Information evenings can be arranged which could provide the opportunity for parents to speak with their child’s teacher, view the teaching materials or resources and receive information that may assist them to speak with their child about the information they will be covering during lessons. Information could also be provided in newsletters. Often, once parents are presented with the details of what will be covered in the lessons and understand how it will be presented, they are supportive and more than happy for the school to cover this topic.

10. Has anyone had a parent complain about how sex was taught to their child?

Yes this does happen but not as often as you might think. Talking personally with parents often helps allay their fears. If the talk is about safety for their child and health relationships this may help. If you are working with children from other cultures you might want to talk with some of SHine SA’s Culturally and Linguistically diverse workers. There are also documents about sexuality education programs from a Muslim perspective or sexuality programs from a Christian perspective. If you would like a pdf copy of these sent to you get in contact with me on

11. How does one communicate the ideas of pleasure to their partner? Eg – Do this or do that!

UMMMM Really hard question to answer. This covers so much about relationships. It is about trust, courage, knowing what you want, etc etc.. Beverly Whipple, (PhD, RN, Professor Emerita at Rutgers University) says "The four-letter word for sex is T-A-L-K," she says. "You have totalk about things like safer sex. You should talk about pleasure, too."
Talking about sex before doing it can help both guys and girls feel more satisfied and more valued, she adds. Not only that, but honest conversations can help you make better decisions about your sexuality, including whether you want to have sex, other types of touching, or nothing at all. And here's the real payoff. Communication makes for better relationships. And maybe that's the best pleasure of all.

You may also want to read this from the Q&A section of Dr Gabrielle Morriseys’ website Dr Morrisey is an expert in sexuality and relationships, with graduate training and experience specifically in sex education and therapy, and relationship communication. She received her Masters in Human Sexuality Education from the University of Pennsylvania and her Ph.D. in Human Sexuality/Health Science from Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia.
My partner loves a particular sexual position which I find really uncomfortable. In fact, I actually dislike it, I feel contorted like a sexual aerobics competitor, and disconnected from my partner. And sometimes I can feel a bit of pain afterwards. I'm not sure how to tell him not to do it because he loves it so. What can I say?
Sex is not an aerobic activity, by definition. Yes, sex is great for the circulatory system, and research shows that people who have sex regularly over their lifespan suffer fewer heart attacks, but sex as an aerobic sport? No. In fact, it's not even that fat burning ? as many would believe (or hope). Actually, the average session of lovemaking burns about as many calories as are in one apple. Unless, of course, you are making love in a particularly sheet sizzling, muscle fatiguing, body drenching way! At its essence, sex is a shared activity ? between both partners. And because sex is about connection between two individuals, mutual pleasure is gained through the shared sexual experience which emphasises the pleasure of both those involved. If your partner enjoys sex with you in a position which you find psychologically or emotionally objectionable, or physically uncomfortable, or both, it's important that you express this to you partner. Do not expect your partner to read your mind (or your body), and 'automatically' know that you don't feel the same pleasurable sensations from the position that he does. Research shows that women find sex more pleasurable when they feel intimately connected to their partner ? through eye contact, major skin contact, and kissing. So if the position your partner enjoys most makes you feel disconnected from him, know that you are not alone in feeling decreased pleasure as a result. Also, feeling pain either during or after sex can be a concern. Sex should never be painful, and in fact, pain during or after sexual intercourse is called 'dyspareunia' and should be checked by your GP as sometimes (though not always) it can indicate an underlying gynaecological problem. If, however, your pain occurs through the strenuous position you describe as 'sexual aerobics', it's important that you communicate to your partner that as much as you adore sex with him, that particular position isn't pleasurable for you. Granted, this can be an awkward conversation to have. It's important to be sensitive to your partner's ego, his sense that he may feel rejected or hurt by critique of lovemaking, and to acknowledge that you know he loves and receives great pleasure from that position. Suggest that instead, you try a new position, one that you can both share equal satisfaction from. Research shows that one small change in a position, whether from how you position your hips or limbs, can radically transform how sexual stimulation feels, and can also revolutionise your sex life. Once you find a position, after a fun-fuelled amount of 'sexperimentation', that works for you, and for your partner, heap on the praise for positive reinforcement. He'll get more excited about a new position that you verbally and physically express satisfaction and joy for, than the old one that he found singularly rewarding. Research also shows that 85% of men wish their partner would take more initiative in sex, choosing the when, where, and how. Take advantage of this opportunity to make great, lasting positive changes in your sex life that work for you both in the long ? and steamy ? run!

12. Can teachers give students condoms without it being seen as inappropriate?

It is suggested that the issue of having condoms available to give to students is taken to Governing Council. Many schools have done this and have gained support and endorsement for the School Counsellors to give condoms to students who approach them and ask for them. This provides the opportunity for the counsellors to have further discussion with the students if needed and becomes known through the student body without it being overtly advertised.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hep C

The Hepatitis C Council of South Australia have a new youth site which looks great. Heaps of info here including a comaprision between HVA, B and C. Common myths, stigma issues, healthy living tips, treatment and more. Check it out. I didn't realise Hep C was very hard to catch through sexual contact, whereas Hep B isn't so hard to catch. Click on the Hep C title to go to the site.

safety PLEASURE respect forum

On Tuesday night the 19th of Febuary the forum on Safety Pleasure Respect

exploring the concept of pleasure in sex education, was held.

We had 34 people in attendance coming from a variey of work and non work situations. There were DRs, nurses,youth workers, community health workers, teachers, peer educators, trainers and more.

The forum started with a brief 'sex education' video clip taken from Monty Pythons, "The Meaning of Life" (chapter 5 or 6)

From here there was a panel of 4 young people answering pre set questions about sex and pleasure - giving the room a perspective about sexual health and relationships education that some had perhaps not heard before. The panel were a hilite of the forum, speaking with a frankness and honesty that is so often lacking in the discourse of pleasure. (Below are the questions asked of the panel)

Panel questions - Scenario

“ You have been asked to be on a triple J radio show discussing the merits of education about pleasure/sex in sex education programs – Triple J has just taken up some research that had been tabled in Parliament citing that ‘ sex education in this country is failing because we are missing a discourse on pleasure and young people want a discourse on pleasure in their sex education’

Question 1: Why do most programs encourage young people to have LESS sex and focus on the risks and harm minimisation when research indicates an active sex life is important for one's sense of well-being ?

Question 2: “The reproductive focus of sex education and its silence on sexual pleasure, female desire, and relationships does little to communicate effective strategies for managing sexual safety.”
How would you define pleasure and what do YOU think is the relationship between pleasure and sexual behaviour?

Question 3: Do you think that including education for pleasure (for young people) could have a role in creating safer and healthier environments for women, where violence is tolerated less? Why/why not?

Question 4: Are you aware of myths about orgasms and sex? If so what are some of these AND how could you overcome these myths?

Question 5: “The orgasm gap” 7% of men ages 18 – 29 do not achieve orgasm versus 26% of women ages 18 to 29 and 79% of boys have an orgasm with first intercourse compared to 7% of girls.
Why do you think it is ? AND Is there anything that might be done to change this discrepancy?

Question 6: Just over a quarter (25.9%) of all sexually active students report that they have had unwanted sex at some time in their lives.
In your opinion is sex ONLY about pleasure if not what else is it about? Do you think education about pleasure would make a difference to these statistics?

Question 7: Unsafe sex is the second most important risk factor for disability and death in the world’s poorest communities and the ninth most important in developed countries. Every year, more than 120 million couples have an unmet need for contraception, 80 million women have unintended pregnancies (45 million of which end in abortion), more than half a million women die from complications associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, and 340 million people acquire new gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia, or trichomonas infections.
How could you discuss sexual intercourse in a way that would make people feel less uncomfortable? What could you tell people about sexual intercourse that might make a change to the figures quoted before?

Question 8: Overall 80% of same sex attracted young people found sex education at school to be useless or fairly useless. In other research young people say sex education is too little, too late and too biological.
What do you think effective sexuality education might look like?

After the panel (and after some giggles/laughs/food and a break) the participants were asked to do some groupwork and answer some questions themselves.

Below are the outcomes of group exercise that asked participants to answer three questions.

  1. What does sexual pleasure mean?

  2. How would you justify including this in a program?

  3. What would pleasure in a sexuality education program look like.


What does sexual pleasure mean?

Different things to different people makes you feel good/vibrant/tingle
Choice good about yourself
Orgasm anticipation
An experience you want to repeat strengthening an emotional bond
Individual feeling good – safe comfortable
Intimacy close/intimate/aroused
Without fear not necessarily having intercourse
More than just a pleasurable act not necessarily physical/could be emotional
The setting very individual and different at different times
Contains respect and trust experimentation
Enjoyable release
Allows you to share and trust alone or with others
Tantric stimulation
Melding connectedness
Touch/erotic desire
Arousal fun
Comfortable sharing
Communication giving / receiving

How would you justify including this in a program?

· How can you not?
· Natural/primal
· Empowering – knowing it’s okay to feel pleasure
· Consequences of leaving it out are endless ( low expectations/guilt/bad relationships
· Knowing- expectations-what your bottom line is
· Respect for self and others
· A promotion of safety/individuality
· If you don’t link sex with pleasure it becomes more biological/clinical therefore not an individual experience
· Don’t teach it as sex education/teach it as sexual health and relationships
· A good title can soften/alter/widen/open perceptions about talking about it
· Sexual safety and boundaries
· Children /teens are doing it, we can’t shut our eyes to it
· We need to educate students
· Knowing yourself and what you like helps you make clearer choices for yourself
· If sexual pleasure is the agenda, individuals make better choices which lead to less regret/trauma/negative consequences
· Reducing risks
· Harm minimisation
· Better health outcomes
· If you put sex and pleasure together you put more on the menu
· Teaching young people to know and respect self makes better choices for individuals/better outcomes for all

What would pleasure in a sexuality education curriculum look like?

· Accepting that pleasure for one may not translate to another
· Communication needed for individual pleasure ( with self or partner)
· Achieving mutual goals
· Discuss the non pleasurable aspects of sex – abortion
· Not specific as its all individual – but to say there is a reasonable expectation that there will be pleasure
· From an early age – straight away
· Using all your senses – ‘pleasure principle’
· Intimacy stuff
· Respect for yourself and others


Of course these questions (and other unplanned ones) led to lots of discussion. What we decided it that: THIS IS JUST A BEGINNING. If we are going to identify if and how pleasure should be included in sexual health and relationships education then we need lots more discussion. Sooooo in response I (Lud Allen) will set up a website forum where we can continue to interact and discuss this issue/trade information and research findings/ and support each other in this journey.

If you would like to be part of this discussion then send me an email (or leave a comment on this blog with your email) and I will add you to this discussion list and send you a message when the forum is set up.

Monday, February 18, 2008

More about sex and health

This is from the article " European Sexual Awareness Campaign 2008 "Sexual Health: Do We Europeans Care?" which was showing on the RSS feed on the right.

"Did you know that common health problems can be associated with your sex life? Diabetes, depression and hypertension are just some of these. All recent data prove that a healthy sex life can indicate general well-being. And do we want to find out more? Do we consider it as one of our problems? The European Sexual Dysfunction Alliance (ESDA) wants to remind everyone of the importance of sexual health as a part of overall health and show what as an alliance we have just found out! "

The majority of people that rang health lines in this study NEVER had consulted with a health professional about their sexual health problem!!!! That crazy

If only we could get people to feel the same about sexual health as any other health issue.

Hi from Chris

Hi - I thought I should introduce myself, I'm Chris and Lud has asked me to contribute to youthnetwork....which is GREAT, really glad to be involved!
I live in Streaky Bay, a rural town on the west coast of South Australia and I am a youth worker in this area. It's a great job and I especially love being invited by schools to explore sexual health and sexual health issues with young people.
I completed the SE&X course with Shine SA in 2006 and it's up there with the best training I have ever done, the course gave me a tonne of confidence, information and a solid grounding in understanding the issues relating to sexual health - AND THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM!
I am married to Cass and we have 2 girls, 3 years and 3 months old. They are all great and I would have to say that raising kids is the most challenging thing we have EVER
Anyway, looking forward to hearing from those of you who use youthnetwork and as it continues to blaze the sexual health trail. I'll try and post a photo of myself soon!!


Thursday, February 14, 2008


In previous posts we have looked at possible links between racism and sexual health. Here is one post if you want to have a look

I am hoping that Keven Rudds and Australias apology will be one step to overcoming the sexual health discrepancy between Aboriginal Australians and the rest of our community. Read through a brief version below and you can see ALL the sexual Health issues that we often talk about at SHineSA and particulalry in the SE&X course.


Rudd Rox:

February 13, 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's apology

Today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history.
We reflect on their past mistreatment.
We reflect in particular on the mistreatment of those who were Stolen Generations – this blemished chapter in our nation’s history.
The time has now come for the nation to turn a new page in Australia’s history by righting the wrongs of the past and so moving forward with confidence to the future.
We apologise for the laws and policies of successive Parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians.
We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country.
For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry.
To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry.
And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry.

.......within a decade to halve the appalling gap in infant mortality rates between indigenous and non-indigenous children and, within a generation, to close the equally appalling 17-year life gap between indigenous and non-indigenous in overall life expectancy.
Lets get to it: Surely part of this closing the gap means real, comprehensive,meaningful sexual health and relationships education for all people.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

you are beautiful

I just came across this fantastic site/project that has really caught my imagination. It is called you are beautuful ( click here ). If you wanted some activism and are tired of the same old media messages. GO HAVE A LOOK.

Here are 2 of of their images.

Its about time we all started giving this message to the people we live with, work with, share the planet with.

You might just see some guerilla ' you are beautiful' posts around the place soon. Because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Good scales

I found these
scales while going
through one
of the blogs
I have listed to the
right of this post.

They are cool. We should ALL have these. I much prefer to receive this message than some stupid 'this is your weight' message.
If you want to look at them go here.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Do you know about PEP or Post Exposure Prophylaxis:
Would you be able to tell a client or a friend about PEP?
In a nutshell PEP is:

.....a medical treatment that may prevent you from becoming HIV positive after a risk exposure.

PEP Hotline 1800 022 226

PEP is 4 weeks of anti-HIV drugs that may prevent you from becoming HIV positive after a risk exposure.
Act fast - call the PEP hotline on 1800 022 226 as soon as possible after potential exposure and within 72 hours (3 days).
PEP drugs must be taken exactly as prescribed and may have side effects.
PEP is not a ‘morning after pill’ and not a vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS. It can’t replace safe sex and safe injecting practices.
If you want to know more go here or call the hotline 1800 022 226
If you want resources such as the posters above go here or here


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Medications & sexual health

Do you ever wonder about the effects of medications on a persons sexual health. Many of the commonly prescribed medications have minor to severe affects on sexual functions. Here are some examples:
Benzodiazapines ( known as mild tranquillisers - -are used to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, muscle spasms as well as alcohol withdrawal) Below are some common ones that you may have heard of and thier possible effects.

  • alprazolam (Kalma,xanax,alprax) - menstrual changes, changes in libido,impaired sexual function

  • diazepam (valium, antenex, valpam) - changes in libido

  • lorazepam ( ativan) - changes in libido, impotence, decreased orgasm

  • oxazepam ( alepam, murelax, serepax) changes in libido

  • triazolam (halcion) menstrual changes, changes in libido.

  • buspirone (buspar) menstrual changes, spotting, changes in libido, delayed ejaculation, impotence, priapism (prolonged erection)

Antipsychotics commonly used to treat psycosis including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mania and delusional disorder. Below are some ( there are many more) you may have heard of and thier possible side effects.

  • Risperidone ( risperdal) menstrual changes, breast changes in men and women.

  • Clozapine (clopine,synthon clozapine, clozaril) - CLOPINE - persistant painful erection, changes in libido, impotence, ejaculatory difficulties CLOZARIL - painful menstrual periods, changes in libido, persistant painful erection

  • pericyazine ( neulactil) - menstrual changes, changes in libido, impotence, false positive pregnancy tests, ejaculatory problems.

  • haloperidol ( serenace) - decreased desire, menstrual changes, impotence, swollen breasts in men and women.

Tricyclic Antidepressants - used for clinical depression, neuropathic pain, ADHD, bedwetting as well as other applications like irritable bowel syndrome and bulimia nervosa. Below are some you may have heard of and possible effects.

  • amitriptyline ( endep, tryptanol) endep - changes in sex drive.

  • Clomipramine ( anafranil, placil) changes in libido

  • imipramine ( melipramine, tofranil) tofrnil - impotence, ejaculation difficulty, painful ejaculation, inability to orgasm.

  • mianserin (lumin, tolvon) lumin - uninhibited behaviour - tolvon - impotence, breast enlargement in men

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - a class of antidepressants used in treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, some personality disorders and sometimes premature ejaculation. Below are some you may have heard of and possible side effects.

  • Fluoxetine (auscap, lovan, prozac) auscap :- impaired sexual function - lovan :-sexual problems: prozac - decreased libido, impotence, ejaculatory or orgasmic problems

  • citalopram (celepram, cipramil, talma, talohexal, celexa) cipramil and talam - changes in libido, menstrual changes, impotence, ejaculatory or orgasmic problems: talohexal and celexa - changes in libido, menstrual changes ejaculatory problems, impotence

These are just a few of the medications that are being prescribed. As far as I am concerned it means that we have to go beyond the behaviours that we are seeing in people and find out if there are other factors that shape and effect thier lives. As always there is so much more to a person than we see on the surface.

Information for this post was taken from " what medications affect what sexual functions" and wikipedia.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Free Forum

Tuesday 19 February 2008
6:00 – 8:30 pm (light supper 5:30)
Education Development Centre
Milner Street, Hindmarsh
RSVP: Sharon on 8300 5317
by Thursday 14 February.
Places are limited so please book
early. This is a FREE event.