Monday, May 30, 2011

The FRESH course is coming to the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide. To see the details more clearly just click on the picture above.

Hope to see you there.

Marriage is so gay

Go here to have a look at a great video on Rainbow Family Tree.

Religion, Politics and Gender Equality

Have you ever discussed gender equality within a group of people? Have you ever discussed gender equality with people that take a religious or political stance towards equality?

The following UNRISD policy briefing paper 'Gender Politics and Gender Equality' gives a very good discussion regarding this very issue. At a time when many people thought that religion would lessen its hold on gender inequalities, we are seeing an upsurge in fundamentalist beliefs; and an upsurge in movements that are usrping equality to thier own ends. A really good paper to read.
Go here to have a look ( You may need to register to get a copy)

religion and sex

In sexual health we often talk about the impact of religion and religious affiliations on our sexual practices.Much of this discussion is done on a subjective basis. Well.... below are some findings that from a study conducted by Amanda Brown and Dr Darrel Ray that are quite interesting. If you want to read more go here or here

After surveying over 14,500 secularists about their sex lives the study's key findings were as follows:

· Sex improves dramatically after leaving religion.

· Sexual guilt has little staying power after leaving religion.

· Those raised most religious show no difference from those raised least religious in their sexual behavior.

· Those raised most religious experience far more guilt but have just as much sex.

· Religious parents are far worse at educating their children on matters of sex.

· Religious guilt differs in measurable amounts according to denomination.