Friday, October 09, 2009


White Ribbon day is November 25th.

This is the Intenational Day for the Ellimination of Violence Against Women.

There are lots of things that you can do to get involved. Maybe download the document: 'Assault on our Future - The impact of violence on young people and their relationships' by Michael Flood and Lara fergus.( It is on the website).

You could just go on and send a white ribbon e card to someone to help raise awareness. OR you could organise an event. This year White Ribbon Day is also in national Youth Week so it could be a timely way to get young people involved.After all it is the young peope that can STOP this now.

Go to the white ribbon day website here to have a good look around.

Universal access to comprehensive sexual health education

The following is taken from the World Association for Sexual Health ( WAS) website. This is a great site for looking at the issue of sexual health from a global perspective. well worth a look. Of course as a sexual health and relationships educator this has my full support.

The World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) in its Declaration of Sexual Health for the Millennium considers comprehensive sexuality education as one of the foundations on which sexual health and general well‐being are built.
WAS proposes that to achieve universal access to comprehensive education the following actions are necessary:

• Mandate comprehensive, rights‐based, gender sensitive, and culturally appropriate sexuality education as a required component of schools’ curricula at all levels, and that the required resources be provided.

• Work with community agencies to reach out‐of‐school youth and other high risk populations with comprehensive sexuality education.

• Issue guidelines to ensure that sexuality education programs and services are grounded in the principle of fully informed, autonomous decision‐making.

• Ensure that sexuality education programs are evidence‐based and include the characteristics that have been shown to contribute to effectiveness. This should be done in a way that allows for creativity, and considers community specific needs in the development and evaluation of innovative programs.