Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Forum on Pleasure


Safety Pleasure Respect :

During this years Sexual Health Awareness Week Shine SA will be hosting a forum to explore the concept of pleasure and its effect on sexual health. ( more information and how to register to follow)

This forum is for youth workers, teachers, community health workers, nurses, doctors or anyone who works with young people in the area of relationships and sexual health

“Treating sexuality as exclusively ‘risky business’ has not only fostered a missing discourse of erotics in sexuality education but communicated a one sided view which omits the possible pleasurable benefits of such activity” (Gender and Education Vol 16 No. 2 June 2004 “Beyond the birds and the bees: constituting a discourse of erotics in sexuality education” Louisa Allen )

Date: Feb 19, 2008
Time: 6-8.30pm
Light supper 5.30
Venue: Education Development Centre
Milner St., Hindmarsh

Monday, December 17, 2007

SHAW - Sexual health Awareness Week

Sexual Health Awareness Week 08

The 2008 campaign will focus on healthy relationships to encourage young people to think about keeping themselves healthy in the context of their personal relationships.
The key message, Choose safety, pleasure, respect ... because some things never go out of fashion, emphasises the importance of individuals having the power to make their own decisions in relation to their sexual health, wellbeing and the positive expression of sexuality
More info on SHAW can be found on the link below.

Please place your order for FREE FREE - SHAW Resources before January 21 2008. Orders will be processed and ready to pick up in the last week of January.

SHAW Resources Order Form

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Do you work with young lesbians??

Do you know of the fantastic magazine LOTL - Australias Lesbian magazine?

ShineSA has this as one of our publications in our public foyer that is on display for all visitors to read. In this months mag 'Play Girls' the feature articles are:

  • Girls & Girls come out to play: It promises to be the girly event for 2008

  • Gifted: Two talented lesbians make speciaol gifts to treasure

  • Queer eye for the straight drive: Does yuor set of wheels say more about your sexuality

  • Witchy woman: Dont see in the new year without the one you desire by your side

  • Sexy summer seafood: A shared secret of celebratory recipee

  • The faith healer: Kim Brett believes christianity and homosexuality can be reconciled

  • Reflections for the new year: Sensual and tranquil images of beauty and strength

  • Northern exposure:Two parties not to be missed are north of Sydney -Girlfest and Tropical fruits

  • Heatwave: Summer gay day offers new outdoor treat for lesbians

As you can see this mag offers lots of cool stuff -pics/articles/info - all sorts.

Check out the website on

New Book - Boys Adrift

Here is the summary of this book. Please read it with care and a critical eye! Do you agree? Is what Dr Sax says plausable? ( The following summary was copied from ( )
New Book: Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men

Family physician, research psychologist, and acclaimed author of Why Gender Matters, Leonard Sax reveals the truth about what's driving the decline of American boys--and what parents can do about it. The call number for Boys Adrift is LC1390.S29x 2007 .

Something scary is happening to boys today.
From kindergarten to college, they are less resilient and less ambitious than they were a mere twenty years ago.
As for young men, it turns out the film Failure to Launch is not far from the truth.
Fully one-third of men ages 22-34 are still living at home with their parents--about a 100 percent increase in the past twenty years.

Boys nationwide are increasingly dropping out of school; fewer are going to college; and for the first time in American history, women are outnumbering men at undergraduate institutions three to two.

Parents, teachers, and mental health professionals are worried about boys.
But until now, no one has come up with good reasons for their decline--and, more important, with workable solutions to reverse this troubling trend.

Now, family physician and research psychologist Dr. Leonard Sax delves into the scientific literature and draws on his vast clinical experience to propose an entirely original view of why boys and young men are failing in school and at home.

He argues that a combination of social, cultural, and biological factors is creating an environment that is literally toxic to boys, ranging from environmental estrogens to the over-prescription of ADHD drugs. And he presents practical solutions--from new ways of controlling boys' use of video games, to innovative (and workable) education reforms. ( the 5 factors are: 1) feminization of education; (2) video games; (3) increased prescription of psychotropic medications that affect the motivational systems of the brain; (4) exposure to endocrine disrupters; and (5) lack of heroic role models.

About the AuthorLeonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D., is a family physician, research psychologist, and acclaimed author of Why Gender Matters. He is founder and executive director of the National Association for Single Sex Public Education in Montgomery County, Maryland (NASSPE). Dr. Sax's scholarly work has been published in a wide variety of prestigious journals, including American Psychologist, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Journal of the American Medical Association. He is a popular speaker and has been a featured guest on CNN, PBS, Fox News, NPR's "Talk of the Nation," "The Today Show," and many other programs. He lives in Montgomery County, Maryland.

In the review of this book in the journal JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association Maureen E. Lyon, PhD, Reviewer Center for Cancer and Immunology Research Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Children's National Medical Center George Washington University School of Medicine Washington, DC

States that:

" Boys Adrift is at its strongest in providing practical advice to parents about how to increase their sons' academic motivation; how to set appropriate limits on video game use; and how to protect their sons from the potential harm of psychotropic medications and environmental estrogens. Boys Adrift is at its weakest in supporting the thesis that there is an epidemic of unmotivated and underachieving young men".

GO on : search the internet - find out more - get a copy: Find out if you think we have an 'epidemic' on our hands. What are your thoughts about the young men that you work with??

Disability and Sexual Health Awreness Week

DisabilityFun Day

A day for People with a disability, Workers, Carers and Parents to have fun while learning more about Friendships and Dating.

Lunch and entertainment for all between12:30pm – 1:30pm

Come along and join in the fun.

To help us with catering please RSVP to or phone 83005317 by Friday 25th January 2008.

This event has been organised by SHine as part of SHAW Sexual Health Awareness Week

When: Friday 15th February
Where: SHine SA, GP Plus Building64c Woodville Road WoodvilleParking off Bower Street. Includes disability parking.

10:00-12:30 People with a disability, Parents & Carers

1:30-3:30 Workers and Teachers

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

New Procedures

This was an email I was sent recently

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let every everyone know about the new system which started Monday-3-12-07.
Women who require their first Antenatal appointment at a Public Metro. Maternity Unit, will now need to call
1300 368 820 to geta reference Number before their first appointment.
Clients will receive a "Reference Number" and need to bring that number with them to their antenatal appointment.
Clients who require specialist Care will not be required to call this new service.
Clients from the Southern area will not have the choice of birthing at AWCH now.

New Pregnancy SA Infoline for appointments
03 Dec 2007

From 3 December 2007, women who require their first antenatal appointment in a public metropolitan maternity unit need to call their GP or the Pregnancy SA Infoline on 1300 368 820.

The new Pregnancy SA Infoline connects women to their closest public maternity service where an appointment can be made. At this first appointment antenatal staff will discuss suitable birthing options for each woman.

Country residents who plan on birthing in the country should continue to contact their local GP or health service to make their first antenatal appointment. Alternatively country residents who plan on birthing in a metropolitan public hospital should contact the Pregnancy SA Infoline on 1300 368 820 to book their first antenatal appointment.

Women requiring specialist perinatal care will not be required to call the new service and referral to these services can be undertaken in the usual way.

The telephone service will be available from 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

A single point of telephone contact will improve coordination between birthing hospitals across metropolitan Adelaide and will make it easier for women to book their first antenatal appointments.