Do you know of the fantastic magazine LOTL - Australias Lesbian magazine?
ShineSA has this as one of our publications in our public foyer that is on display for all visitors to read. In this months mag 'Play Girls' the feature articles are:
- Girls & Girls come out to play: It promises to be the girly event for 2008
- Gifted: Two talented lesbians make speciaol gifts to treasure
- Queer eye for the straight drive: Does yuor set of wheels say more about your sexuality
- Witchy woman: Dont see in the new year without the one you desire by your side
- Sexy summer seafood: A shared secret of celebratory recipee
- The faith healer: Kim Brett believes christianity and homosexuality can be reconciled
- Reflections for the new year: Sensual and tranquil images of beauty and strength
- Northern exposure:Two parties not to be missed are north of Sydney -Girlfest and Tropical fruits
- Heatwave: Summer gay day offers new outdoor treat for lesbians
As you can see this mag offers lots of cool stuff -pics/articles/info - all sorts.
Check out the website on http://www.lotl.com/
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