Its not often that positions come up at SHineSA: Here is one that may interest our network members.
SHine SA is an innovative non-government, primary health care agency working for and with the South Australian community and partner agencies to improve sexual health and well-being.
We are recruiting for the following vacancy.
Manager East/West Primary Health Care Team
AS07 ($78,402 - $85,105 per annum) - 37.5 hours p/week (1 fte)
SHine SA – based at 64c Woodville Road Woodville
Manager East/West Primary Health Care Team
AS07 ($78,402 - $85,105 per annum) - 37.5 hours p/week (1 fte)
SHine SA – based at 64c Woodville Road Woodville
The Manager contributes to the promotion and improvement of the sexual health of the community, through the effective and efficient management of the human, physical and financial resources of the East West Primary Health Care Team.
An application kit including Job and person specification and Guidelines for applications can be obtained by downloading from the website at http://www.shinesa.org.au/ or contacting Desiree Schild on (08) 8300 5346 or 1800 188 171 (SA Country Callers), or email desiree.schild@health.sa.gov.au.
For further information contact Ms Kaisu Vartto, Chief Executive Officer on (08) 8300 5345, fax (08) 5300 5399 or email kaisu.vartto@health.sa.gov.au.
Applications, including 4 extra copies, should address and demonstrate competency in the essential requirements of the job and person specification and include a Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact numbers of three referees. Applications will be received via email, mail or fax and should be marked Private and Confidential addressed to:
Kaisu Vartto
Chief Executive Officer
SHine SA
PO Box 76 Woodville SA 5068
or emailed to kaisu.vartto@health.sa.gov.au
Applications close at 5.00 pm on Monday 13 July 2009
This appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Pre-employment Screening/National Police Certificate.
SHine SA is an Equal Opportunity Employer
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