Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Have you ever heard this term ' erotophobia' before. It refers to our fear of teaching about pleasure in nour sexual health and relationships education. There is an argument that until we are able to discuss sex positive information, until we are able to eroticise our sexual health education we wont be fully providing our young people with enough knowledge, tools etc etc to make informed decisions regading thir own sexual health and relationships.

Here is an abstract from an article that outlines this thinking very well:

The pursuit of pleasure is one of the primary reasons people have sex; and sex is the most common way people contract HIV worldwide. Yet information about how to have (or deliver) pleasurable sex and stay healthy are largely missing from health resources and HIV prevention campaigns. Wendy Knerr and Anne Philpott explore how `erotophobia' in the health and development sectors is hindering effective safer sex promotion, and highlight best practices from The Global Mapping of Pleasure, 2nd Edition, a collection of case studies on pleasure and safer sex communication from countries and contexts around the world.Development (2009) 52, 95-100. doi:10.1057/dev.2008.79

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