Men, boys and sex
Most men think about sex several times a day. Across the
globe, on any given day, sexual intercourse happens 120
million times. In Nicaragua, one in three men first had sex before the age of 15, compared to one in 20 men in

intercourse in the world is in Thailand, where it generally lasts 10 minutes. In the UK, 6.1 per cent of men reported that they had had a homosexual experience6 and in the USA 2.8 per cent of men identified themselves as gay or bisexual. Worldwide, 15.3 million men are living with HIV. As this snapshot of facts and figures shows, men and boys have different sexual desires, behaviour and experiences. A wide range of different programmes and policies are therefore needed to respond effectively to their differentsexual health needs. The evidence indicates that male involvement in effective and innovative sexual and reproductive health and HIV programmes is critical; for their own sake, for their partners and families, and for changing gender stereotypes of how men and women should act.
The above information ius taken from International Planned Parenthood Federation document 'The truth About Men boys and sex -Gender Transformative Policies and Programmes. Its well worth a read. Go here to read more.
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