Dear colleagues, National STI Prevention Program

The Australian Government is launching a second phase of activity for the National STI Prevention Program: Sexual Health Campaign early in January 2010. As you know, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the risks of infection and encourage safe sexual behaviour including using condoms and seeing a doctor about testing after unprotected sex.
Phase 2 will build on the achievements of Phase 1 with further promotion of campaign messages to target audiences. The first stage of tracking research indicates good awareness, particularly for a campaign without television advertising. The creative executions developed for Phase 1 will be used again for Phase 2 to provide cumulative benefits in awareness and recall.
The campaign will include advertising primarily in magazines, online and in washrooms of pubs and clubs, as well as public relations activity to directly engage with young people and encourage more active involvement with the campaign.
We will update you with more details as the campaign progresses over the next six months. We appreciate your ongoing support of the campaign.
If you would like to view the advertising materials or order campaign resources please go to https://statemail.sa.gov.au/OWA/redir.aspx?C=b6b0dba36fca445097786241b848b1f8&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.australia.gov.au%2fsti
If you have any queries about the campaign you can contact a member of the campaign team at https://statemail.sa.gov.au/OWA/redir.aspx?C=b6b0dba36fca445097786241b848b1f8&URL=mailto%3asti.campaign%40health.gov.au
Yours faithfully
Horizon Communication Group (on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing)
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