Thursday, November 19, 2009

What happens as a penis ages??

Did you know: ( taken from

The penis undergoes significant changes as a man moves from his sexual prime -- around age 30 into middle age and on .

These changes include:
Appearance. There are two major changes. The head of the penis (glans) gradually loses its purplish color, the result of reduced blood flow. And there is a slow loss of pubic hair.

Penis Size. Weight gain is common as men grow older. As fat accumulates on the lower abdomen, the apparent size of the penis changes. "
"In addition the penis tends to undergo an actual reduction in size. The reduction -- in both length and thickness -- typically isn't dramatic but may be noticeable. "If a man's erect penis is 6 inches long when he is in his 30s, it might be 5 or 5-and-a-half inches when he reaches his 60s or 70s," says Goldstein.What causes the penis to shrink? At least two mechanisms are involved, experts say. One is the slow deposition of fatty substances (plaques) inside tiny arteries in the penis, which impairs blood flow to the organ, another mechanism involves the gradual buildup of relatively inelastic collagen (scar tissue)

As penis size changes, so do the testicles.
"Starting around age 40, the testicles definitely begin to shrink," The testicles of a 30-year-old man might measure 3 centimeters in diameter, those of a 60-year-old, perhaps only 2 centimeters.

The GREAT NEWS is that as men age they report NO REDUCTION in pleasure and often mention pleasuring thier partner as extremely important.

To read more about this go here

Our bodies are facinating:

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