Wednesday, July 09, 2008

text /internet/sexual health service

Interesting recording (podcast) of a discussion re reaching young people with information about sexual health and relationships education in a way that suits them.

"Educators say that in-class lessons about sex ed are no longer enough to get their message out. They're turning to podcasts, video games and social networking sites to teach kids about sex. Alex Cohen speaks with Deb Levine, executive director of Internet Sexuality Information Services (ISIS) in Oakland."


  1. Great idea hey! I was thinking of trying STI's like this next time around - run the session in the computer room and give each pair / individual a couple of websites to check out - gather some info to share with the rest of the group - or ask them to show everyone a particluar feature of interest from their site. There are so many STI sites out there, it would be easy to do. And coz our classrooms have projectors now - so easy to show great sites! I also played a couple of Chlamydia podcast adverts the other day to a group which are on Seemed to go down well - I asked them to tell me the what the main points they got out of the ad. Good coz it's accurate info too.

  2. I like your ideas of connecting thru online stuff.
    I listened to the podcasts on couldihaveit and they are good. I also have downloaded thier posters that I really like.
    Rock on
