August 5th @12 midday Darling House has been named the first planning meeting for Idaho 2009. The goal Fondation Émergence has proposed for the International Day Against Homophobia on May 17, 2009, is to combat homophobia within cultural communities, to raise awareness among the newly arrived and to support gays and lesbians from these communities. With this in mind it is important to put your thinking cap on and look for representative of differing cultures to be part of the IDAHO 2009 planning committee. This meeting will be used as a think tank session and it would be greatly appreciated if you could RSVP to this meeting to hugh.beil@gmhealth.org.au if this has been forwarded on to you.
I also hope that someone will know the best contact at Nunkuwarrin Yunti that this could be forwarded to
I look forward to hearing from you "
Hugh Beil
Community Development Officer
Gay Men’s Health
Unreal Lud, I'll pass the word around.
ReplyDeleteThanks Chris: Chris rocks the casbah