These figures are quite alarmimg: After all the work that is being done to prevent STIs they are STILL on the rise. I wonder why this is? Could it be that we keep trying the same things over and over again? Even when they don't work! I wonder what MIGHT work?
'People ages 18 to 24 account for only one-eighth of the total population, but the group accounts for about 50% of all newly diagnosed STI cases in the U.K. In 2007, people ages 18 to 24 accounted for 65% of new chlamydia cases, 55% of new genital warts cases and 50% of new gonorrhea cases (Castle, Reuters, 7/15). Borriello said, "It's increasingly the case that among young people, a casual shag is part of the territory, it's part of life." He added, "Increasingly a shag now stands for syphilis, herpes, anal warts and gonorrhea." '(Peter Borriello, director of HPA's Centre for Infections.) from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/115442.php
I remember reading an article in the jounal 'youthworker' ( i think thats what it was called). The author was hypothesising that youth work needed to change its focus. That developing relatsionships should be the focus. Not 'theory of this or that'. At the time this sounded true to me BUT the letters coming into the magazine ridiuculed this person. Perhaps whats needed is to start developiong equal and mentor type relationships instead of telling young people how to behave???