Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Even Olympiads aren't safe

Yes - yet another example of sports people (Stephanie Rice and Eamon Sullivan) being sexualised (with a particular focus on Stephanie of course) and run through the marketing machine - for under wear!

Here's what news.com have written on their website this morning;

Stung by a raunchy Facebook photo scandal in March where she appeared dressed in a revealing police woman uniform, Rice said the Davenport advertisements would be tasteful even though the pair would appear only in their undies.

“The one thing I wanted to make sure was that I wasn’t at all sleazy and I wanted to be portrayed in the right light,” she said.

Media buyer Harold Mitchell said the world-recording breaking pair could turn gold into cold hard cash if they succeed at the August Games.

“We all adore a love story and if this union can survive, they’ll make millions,” he told News Limited's Beijing Now website.

Adore a love story hey! Give me a break!!

At least they are honest about their intentions - HARD CASH for all parties concerned.
The full story can be read here

1 comment:

  1. Chris that is a fantastic example. Thanks for the link:

    I have just been weatching a dvd called ' Sexy Inc - Our children under influence'. It is a documentary made in Canada about our hypersexualised society and its influence on young and very young people. It is aimed at adults , teachers, workers. Well worth a look.
