These figures are quite alarmimg: After all the work that is being done to prevent STIs they are STILL on the rise. I wonder why this is? Could it be that we keep trying the same things over and over again? Even when they don't work! I wonder what MIGHT work?
'People ages 18 to 24 account for only one-eighth of the total population, but the group accounts for about 50% of all newly diagnosed STI cases in the U.K. In 2007, people ages 18 to 24 accounted for 65% of new chlamydia cases, 55% of new genital warts cases and 50% of new gonorrhea cases (Castle, Reuters, 7/15). Borriello said, "It's increasingly the case that among young people, a casual shag is part of the territory, it's part of life." He added, "Increasingly a shag now stands for syphilis, herpes, anal warts and gonorrhea." '(Peter Borriello, director of HPA's Centre for Infections.) from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/115442.php