I can still hardly believe it when I see crap like this being pushed on our young people. ( thanks to Australin Research Alliance Children and Youth) for passing this on.
A LOVE COACH Discover plenty of real, indispensible advice for teens given to you by your best friend and always available on your phone or in your diary! What you should or shouldn't do on a first date for example.
A LOVE MESSENGER A simple communication system so you can chat online with your friends using emoticons (Using the Nintendo DS wireless feature - just one cartridge required for 5 consoles)
A TRUE "LOVE STORY"A young girl who has had enough of not being noticed by boys her own age. Using to the LOVE QUIZ, find out your love profile and what you have in common with the boys and the romantic adventure begins!
A promotional video providing a walk-through of Secret Flirts starts with a groovy young girl giving a sly wink and a Cupid's arrow piercing a pink heart.
The first "lessons" of the game teach girls to do their make-up and choose clothes and accessories.
The next lesson is to "improve your attraction" by going to a hairdresser, a beauty centre and a gym. Then players are ready to listen to advice from the "Love Coach".
"Become more irresistible day after day – then win the heart of the boy of your dreams," Secret Flirt promises.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Truth About Men Boys and Sex

Men, boys and sex
Most men think about sex several times a day. Across the
globe, on any given day, sexual intercourse happens 120
million times. In Nicaragua, one in three men first had sex before the age of 15, compared to one in 20 men in

intercourse in the world is in Thailand, where it generally lasts 10 minutes. In the UK, 6.1 per cent of men reported that they had had a homosexual experience6 and in the USA 2.8 per cent of men identified themselves as gay or bisexual. Worldwide, 15.3 million men are living with HIV. As this snapshot of facts and figures shows, men and boys have different sexual desires, behaviour and experiences. A wide range of different programmes and policies are therefore needed to respond effectively to their differentsexual health needs. The evidence indicates that male involvement in effective and innovative sexual and reproductive health and HIV programmes is critical; for their own sake, for their partners and families, and for changing gender stereotypes of how men and women should act.
The above information ius taken from International Planned Parenthood Federation document 'The truth About Men boys and sex -Gender Transformative Policies and Programmes. Its well worth a read. Go here to read more.
Position vacant

Its not often that positions come up at SHineSA: Here is one that may interest our network members.
SHine SA is an innovative non-government, primary health care agency working for and with the South Australian community and partner agencies to improve sexual health and well-being.
We are recruiting for the following vacancy.
Manager East/West Primary Health Care Team
AS07 ($78,402 - $85,105 per annum) - 37.5 hours p/week (1 fte)
SHine SA – based at 64c Woodville Road Woodville
Manager East/West Primary Health Care Team
AS07 ($78,402 - $85,105 per annum) - 37.5 hours p/week (1 fte)
SHine SA – based at 64c Woodville Road Woodville
The Manager contributes to the promotion and improvement of the sexual health of the community, through the effective and efficient management of the human, physical and financial resources of the East West Primary Health Care Team.
An application kit including Job and person specification and Guidelines for applications can be obtained by downloading from the website at http://www.shinesa.org.au/ or contacting Desiree Schild on (08) 8300 5346 or 1800 188 171 (SA Country Callers), or email desiree.schild@health.sa.gov.au.
For further information contact Ms Kaisu Vartto, Chief Executive Officer on (08) 8300 5345, fax (08) 5300 5399 or email kaisu.vartto@health.sa.gov.au.
Applications, including 4 extra copies, should address and demonstrate competency in the essential requirements of the job and person specification and include a Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact numbers of three referees. Applications will be received via email, mail or fax and should be marked Private and Confidential addressed to:
Kaisu Vartto
Chief Executive Officer
SHine SA
PO Box 76 Woodville SA 5068
or emailed to kaisu.vartto@health.sa.gov.au
Applications close at 5.00 pm on Monday 13 July 2009
This appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Pre-employment Screening/National Police Certificate.
SHine SA is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Supporting Pregnant teens

Supporting pregnant teens & young parents
A symposium convened by the Association of Women Educators August 4 and 5, 2009 -
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
A unique networking opportunity for state and federal government departments (education, health, communities, child safety, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander policy, women’s policy) as well as community agencies and organisations, youth programs, and schools conducting support programs for pregnant and parenting students.
© The experiences of diverse groups of pregnant & parenting teenagers
© Sharing models of support
© Highlighting what’s working well
© Identifying gaps in service delivery
Please post/fax registration and payment to Association of Women Educators, PO Box 229, Sandgate QLD 4017. Fax No: 07 3869 3436 Ph No: 07 3869 3433.
Email: awe1@bigpond.net.au
A symposium convened by the Association of Women Educators August 4 and 5, 2009 -
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
A unique networking opportunity for state and federal government departments (education, health, communities, child safety, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander policy, women’s policy) as well as community agencies and organisations, youth programs, and schools conducting support programs for pregnant and parenting students.
© The experiences of diverse groups of pregnant & parenting teenagers
© Sharing models of support
© Highlighting what’s working well
© Identifying gaps in service delivery
Please post/fax registration and payment to Association of Women Educators, PO Box 229, Sandgate QLD 4017. Fax No: 07 3869 3436 Ph No: 07 3869 3433.
Email: awe1@bigpond.net.au
Why dont hetero men like to use condoms?
One of the topics that regularly come up in discussions regarding safer sex is that:
A) condoms are about as good as it gets when it comes to safer sex.
B) BUT... they are not used enough - young men say they dont like to use them.
I reckon research into WHY they are not used is money well spent. It might give us a clue as how to make them better OR even a clue as to how to develop a better form of contraception that also acts as a prevention for STIs.
Have a look at this article I got from a link posted by the Kinsey Institute facebook site.
"The federal government is spending $423,500 to find out why men don't like to wear condoms, a project government watchdogs say is a nearly-half-a-million-dollar waste of taxpayer money.
Researchers at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute, with funding from the National Institutes of Health, are investigating why "young, heterosexual adult men" have problems using condoms. The study will include "skill-based intervention" to teach grown men how to use protection.
The first phase of the two-year study called "Barriers to Correct Condom Use" will be a simple Q&A, but doctors say the second phase will plumb uncharted territory.
"The second phase involves a laboratory study, and focuses on penile erection and sensitivity during condom application," reads the abstract from Drs. Erick Janssen and Stephanie Sanders, both of the Kinsey Institute.
"The project aims to understand the relationship between condom application and loss of erections and decreased sensation, including the role of condom skills and performance anxiety, and to find new ways to improve condom use among those who experience such problems."
A) condoms are about as good as it gets when it comes to safer sex.
B) BUT... they are not used enough - young men say they dont like to use them.
I reckon research into WHY they are not used is money well spent. It might give us a clue as how to make them better OR even a clue as to how to develop a better form of contraception that also acts as a prevention for STIs.
Have a look at this article I got from a link posted by the Kinsey Institute facebook site.
"The federal government is spending $423,500 to find out why men don't like to wear condoms, a project government watchdogs say is a nearly-half-a-million-dollar waste of taxpayer money.
Researchers at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute, with funding from the National Institutes of Health, are investigating why "young, heterosexual adult men" have problems using condoms. The study will include "skill-based intervention" to teach grown men how to use protection.
The first phase of the two-year study called "Barriers to Correct Condom Use" will be a simple Q&A, but doctors say the second phase will plumb uncharted territory.
"The second phase involves a laboratory study, and focuses on penile erection and sensitivity during condom application," reads the abstract from Drs. Erick Janssen and Stephanie Sanders, both of the Kinsey Institute.
"The project aims to understand the relationship between condom application and loss of erections and decreased sensation, including the role of condom skills and performance anxiety, and to find new ways to improve condom use among those who experience such problems."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Teen Pregnancy

Here is some information from the latest research into A 'Picture of Australian Children 2009 report: Australian Institute of health and Welfare' This information gives us MORE ( as if its really needed) information to justify our work around sexual health and relationships AND education of our young people.
"A number of factors are associated with teenage birth including family history of teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse in childhood, unstable housing arrangements, poor school attendance and performance, socioeconomic disadvantage, absence of a father figure, living in rural and
remote areas, and being Indigenous (Slowinski 2001). While not all teenage births result in negative outcomes for mother and child, the circumstances that often contribute to teenage birth mean that many young mothers do not receive the support they need during and after the birth. There is also the question of whether certain groups of young women have adequate support to avoid unintended pregnancy. Knowledge about reproductive matters and access to contraception are important factors in preventing unintended teenage pregnancies."
"A number of factors are associated with teenage birth including family history of teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse in childhood, unstable housing arrangements, poor school attendance and performance, socioeconomic disadvantage, absence of a father figure, living in rural and
remote areas, and being Indigenous (Slowinski 2001). While not all teenage births result in negative outcomes for mother and child, the circumstances that often contribute to teenage birth mean that many young mothers do not receive the support they need during and after the birth. There is also the question of whether certain groups of young women have adequate support to avoid unintended pregnancy. Knowledge about reproductive matters and access to contraception are important factors in preventing unintended teenage pregnancies."
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Example of cultural support of men abusing young girls
P.E.I. baseball player's sex conviction overturned Last Updated: Friday, April 23, 2004 12:51 PM ET
CBC News
A 19-year-old man in Prince Edward Island has had his conviction overturned on charges he coerced two girls to perform oral sex.
Cass Rhynes was convicted in October on two counts of inciting girls under the age of 14 to touch him for sexual purposes.
The judge had sentenced him to 45 days in jail in addition to one-year probation and 100 hours of community service.
His lawyer appealed the decision, saying Rhynes was a passive participant. The appeal court agreed, overturning the conviction on Friday.
FROM DEC. 22, 2003: Baseball hopeful sentenced in sex case
Rhynes admitted to receiving oral sex from a 12-year-old and a 13-year-old girl but said he believed at the time both girls were 14, the age of consent in Canada.
He was 18 when it happened.
He testified he did not intimidate or incite the girls to have sex. One of the girls corroborated that testimony.
The decision means Rhynes will not have a criminal record.
Rhynes was drafted this year by the L.A. Dodgers
I wonder how an 18 year old can be considered to be a PASSIVE participant in oral sex?????
I have used this article in the past to discuss with young men the issues around power/gender/sex/abuse etc etc. It has sparked very good discussions
CBC News
A 19-year-old man in Prince Edward Island has had his conviction overturned on charges he coerced two girls to perform oral sex.
Cass Rhynes was convicted in October on two counts of inciting girls under the age of 14 to touch him for sexual purposes.
The judge had sentenced him to 45 days in jail in addition to one-year probation and 100 hours of community service.
His lawyer appealed the decision, saying Rhynes was a passive participant. The appeal court agreed, overturning the conviction on Friday.
FROM DEC. 22, 2003: Baseball hopeful sentenced in sex case
Rhynes admitted to receiving oral sex from a 12-year-old and a 13-year-old girl but said he believed at the time both girls were 14, the age of consent in Canada.
He was 18 when it happened.
He testified he did not intimidate or incite the girls to have sex. One of the girls corroborated that testimony.
The decision means Rhynes will not have a criminal record.
Rhynes was drafted this year by the L.A. Dodgers
I wonder how an 18 year old can be considered to be a PASSIVE participant in oral sex?????
I have used this article in the past to discuss with young men the issues around power/gender/sex/abuse etc etc. It has sparked very good discussions
Have you ever heard this term ' erotophobia' before. It refers to our fear of teaching about pleasure in nour sexual health and relationships education. There is an argument that until we are able to discuss sex positive information, until we are able to eroticise our sexual health education we wont be fully providing our young people with enough knowledge, tools etc etc to make informed decisions regading thir own sexual health and relationships.
Here is an abstract from an article that outlines this thinking very well:
The pursuit of pleasure is one of the primary reasons people have sex; and sex is the most common way people contract HIV worldwide. Yet information about how to have (or deliver) pleasurable sex and stay healthy are largely missing from health resources and HIV prevention campaigns. Wendy Knerr and Anne Philpott explore how `erotophobia' in the health and development sectors is hindering effective safer sex promotion, and highlight best practices from The Global Mapping of Pleasure, 2nd Edition, a collection of case studies on pleasure and safer sex communication from countries and contexts around the world.Development (2009) 52, 95-100. doi:10.1057/dev.2008.79
Here is an abstract from an article that outlines this thinking very well:
The pursuit of pleasure is one of the primary reasons people have sex; and sex is the most common way people contract HIV worldwide. Yet information about how to have (or deliver) pleasurable sex and stay healthy are largely missing from health resources and HIV prevention campaigns. Wendy Knerr and Anne Philpott explore how `erotophobia' in the health and development sectors is hindering effective safer sex promotion, and highlight best practices from The Global Mapping of Pleasure, 2nd Edition, a collection of case studies on pleasure and safer sex communication from countries and contexts around the world.Development (2009) 52, 95-100. doi:10.1057/dev.2008.79
Monday, June 15, 2009
Oral Sex is the New Goodnight Kiss

I just started reading this. Go to this website and have a look. ShineSA has a copy in the library if you are interested.
Below is an excerpt -
"Some of the prettiest girls from the most successful families are prostituting. They are being targeted at their schools and at malls – places we consider safe. And, the predator is often an acquaintance. “The youngest girl I recruited for prostitution was 10. I didn’t care. I would just bring in all these stupid little girls,” explained Leigha, 15.
Of the high school girls he was prostituting, Luu Dang, 35, says, “White girls don’t really mind having sex with men for money. They’re not like Chinese girls. White girls only care about money”. Girls live in a culture where sexuality is tied to celebrity, status and money.
What happens to young girls who are conditioned to feel empowered only when they are the sexual center of attention? “When you see really hard solid men lose their shell, that’s really a powerful thing and it is all the time whatever kind of sex it is. I never knew I had so much power,” explains Rachael, 16.
“Both my girls crave the spotlight. They love being the center of attention,” explains Gwen, a biologist. “As a mother you really don’t want to think your kid can trade sex, but I knew [Rachael] was engaging in all kinds of sexual behaviors and guys would buy her clothes for sure. It’s interesting that she thought trading sex was a form of being powerful because to me it’s the ultimate in submission – selling your body.”
Here are some of my thoughts:
Suddenly coerecian and sex for favours seems a big deal because its MIDDLE CLASS WHITE GIRLS. However this crap has been going on for a long time for other less powerful groups.
Another thought is that this appears to be made as a warning to girls ( yet again) - dont let yourself get in trouble, dont be a victim etc etc. What I would like to see on top of this is the information about STOPPING THE MEN WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE. Its time to look at ways of changing the culture we live in that supports and allows this stuff. Why the hell do some men believe that forcing young girls to have sex is a good thing?? We need lots more work around this stuff.
Having said that - the DVD that comes with this resource is REALLY powerful and saddening. Get a copy yourself and have a look. Then make some comments.
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