Monday, May 26, 2008

Website for young people about relationship violence

This is a new website for young people regarding relationship violence.

The Keep Safe Stay Cool program based on peer education priciples provides young people with interaction, education and information to young people about domestic violence and healthy relationships.

It has some great links including Domenstic Violence (DV) in same sex relationships, exploring emotions and healthy relationships, which includes a quiz!

There is also a section on gender roles and stereotypes, i couldn't get the link to work on my computer, see how you go!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Hey Kellie,
    I reckon that website is pretty good as well. Particularly the front page stats like 3 women in Australia will be KILLED in a domestic violence situation every fortnight.
    It also has great ways for young people to get involved as peer educators around this stuff - excellent.
    Its time to get this right out in the open and STOP domestic violence ( or any violence)
