Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I tried this out today, it costs 55 cents per text and had trouble getting to the main menu but it did work for me second time around! It's certainly a creative way of promoting sexual health information - I wonder how utilised the service is?

Has anyone ever promoted this service or received feedback on it's usage / popularity? Their website is worth a look, some amusing stories can be found in their "sexcapades" section. More info below on sextxt....

Got a question about sex? sextxt™ gives you accurate answers when you need them... all in the time it takes to send and receive a text message.

sextxt™ SMS messages give you quick answers to those emergency questions such as what to do when a condom breaks or when you've missed a pill.

And just to make sure you get all the facts you need, the sextxt™ website includes additional info on sex and sexual health.

So next time you want to find out more about sexually transmitted infections (STI), oral sex or contraception, you can turn to your mobile phone or surf this site for immediate, confidential help and advice.

SMS the message “sexinfo” to 19SEXTXT (19739898).

You will then receive an instant reply with the following Menu Options:
A1 – for info on STIs
A2 – for info on oral sex
A3 – if you think you are pregnant
A4 – if you have missed a pill
A5 – if your condom has broken
A6 – for info on emergency contraception
A7 – for info on unprotected sex
A8 – for info on unprotected anal sex
A9 – for info specifically on chlamydia
A10 – for info specifically on HIV



  1. Hey Chris,
    Thanks for that. I did have a good look around and found out some really useful stuff.
    I would like to see the stats on how many txts they have received tho!
    I played the game sexausaurous and found words and phrases that I didnt know ( and Ive been teaching this stuff a long while).
    Everybody - go have a look.

  2. I txt for information on unprotected sex. Here was the reply:
    " If u hv unprtcd sx or cnt rmbr wot happnd gt chkd 4 stis inc HIV. Girls tk mrng aftr pill. Drgs + alcohl mk u vulnrble 2 unprtcd sx. call 1300739

    Not alot of info but it does seem to cover basic 'what to do' stuff. I didnt call the number at the end. Perhaps it gives more info and more emotional info???
