Believe it or not these exist. It makes it seem disheartening when this sort of stuff is discovered.
I'm goinbg to show you 2 articles and thern have a small discussion ( RANT)
I was sent this article first: ( clink on the link to read more)
A game that involves the player stalking victims and then raping them in a virtual world is being offered for sale by online retailer, the Belfast Telegraph's website can reveal.
The shocking 'rape simulator', Rapelay, is set in Japan and carries a sickening game description on the Amazon website. An MP said last night that he plans to raise the issue in Parliament.
Reviews by gaming websites have expressed horror at the basis for the game.
I had trouble accepting this so did a search and this is what I found
( read here for more) Withdrawn from sale: has stopped selling RapeLay, in which players have to stalk and rape a family of women
In Rapelay, gamers direct a character to sexually assault a mother and her two young daughters at an underground station, before raping any of a selection female characters.
The game was intended for release just in Japan, but was on offer to British buyers through Amazon Marketplace, the section of the online store's website open to third-party sellers.
But Amazon has now withdrawn the game after complaints from users, deeming it to be inappropriate. "We determined that we did not want to be selling this particular item," a spokeswoman said.
I can hardley believe that Amazon had to wait for people to complain before they stopped the sale of this game. For that matter I can hardley comprehend that anybody MADE this game. Here we are trying to help young people see the positive in relationships, to develop love and compassion for all people and this sort of crap keeps appearing. We are told that many things are impossible to control on the web. What a bunch of bollocks. Amazon stopped advertising this game, many countries block particular websites, our govt computer systems block us from facebook and bebo and and and.... Lets get real. No more excuses. Lets decide what is okay and what isnt. Be vocal; be part of the decision
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Pleasure Project

Its been awhile since I mentioned this site but I just another explore for myself and it is really good.
Go on and have a look here
There are all sorts of things like
Go on and have a look here
There are all sorts of things like
- Whats in the news
- What were up to
- sexy tips
Here is what they say they are doing.
While most safer sex and HIV prevention programmes are negative and disease-focused, The Pleasure Project is different: we take a positive, liberating and sexy approach to safer sex. Think of it as sex education ... with the emphasis on 'sex'. We aim to make sex safer by addressing one of the major reasons people have sex: the pursuit of pleasure
This House Believes That Promiscuity Is A Virtue Not A Vice
I wish I could go to this debate at the Oxford Union!! Oxford University
This House Believes That Promiscuity Is A Virtue Not A Vice
Start Date
19th Feb 2009 8:30pm
In Proposition:
DR SHERE HITE is an American-born German feminist and sexologist whose research focuses primarily on the female sexual experience, in particular our understanding of and social attitudes towards it. Her works include the acclaimed “Hite Report on Female Sexuality” and “Sexual Honesty, by women, for women”. Hite is sure to bring her substantial research experience (Hite’s research utilises studies of individual sexual experiences) to bear on this debate.
CAROL QUEEN is an American author, editor and sexologist, and a leading figure in the sex-positive feminism movement. Through her writing, videos and public speaking engagements, Queen’s practical advice and sense of enthusiasm for sex has reached tens of millions worldwide. The success of her book “Real Live Nude Girl: Chronicles of Sex-Positive Culture” is testament to the popularity of her message.
JOANI BLANK knows a lot about sex. Hailing from Oakland, California, she is an entrepreneur, editor, writer, educator and inventor of all things sexual. Her interest in this field has been expressed in numerous fields. She founded Down There Press, a publisher of sex-related books and opened Good Vibrations, a woman-oriented sex toy business. Having invented the Butterfly Vibrator and served on the Board of Directors of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, she is more than qualified to elaborate on the wonders of sexual adventure.
In Opposition:
WENDY SHALIT is an American author who sees promiscuity as a vice rather than a means of female liberation and empowerment. Her writings include “A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue” (1999) and “Girls Gone Mild: Young Women Reclaim Self-Respect” (2007). She is sure to make a strong case for exercising restraint in sexual activity.
THE BISHOP OF EBBSFLEET, the Right Reverend Andrew Burnham, is a bishop who fulfils the role of a provincial Episcopal visitor for the whole of the Anglican Province of Canterbury. The position was created in 1994 and has been held by Andrew Burnham since 2000. We look forward to his staunch defense of chastity grounded in the teachings of the Christian faith.
ANNE ATKINS is a British novelist, broadcaster and journalist. A regular contributor to the radio feature Thought for the Day on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, Atkins is best known as a commentator on moral and ethical issues.
This House Believes That Promiscuity Is A Virtue Not A Vice
Start Date
19th Feb 2009 8:30pm
In Proposition:
DR SHERE HITE is an American-born German feminist and sexologist whose research focuses primarily on the female sexual experience, in particular our understanding of and social attitudes towards it. Her works include the acclaimed “Hite Report on Female Sexuality” and “Sexual Honesty, by women, for women”. Hite is sure to bring her substantial research experience (Hite’s research utilises studies of individual sexual experiences) to bear on this debate.
CAROL QUEEN is an American author, editor and sexologist, and a leading figure in the sex-positive feminism movement. Through her writing, videos and public speaking engagements, Queen’s practical advice and sense of enthusiasm for sex has reached tens of millions worldwide. The success of her book “Real Live Nude Girl: Chronicles of Sex-Positive Culture” is testament to the popularity of her message.
JOANI BLANK knows a lot about sex. Hailing from Oakland, California, she is an entrepreneur, editor, writer, educator and inventor of all things sexual. Her interest in this field has been expressed in numerous fields. She founded Down There Press, a publisher of sex-related books and opened Good Vibrations, a woman-oriented sex toy business. Having invented the Butterfly Vibrator and served on the Board of Directors of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, she is more than qualified to elaborate on the wonders of sexual adventure.
In Opposition:
WENDY SHALIT is an American author who sees promiscuity as a vice rather than a means of female liberation and empowerment. Her writings include “A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue” (1999) and “Girls Gone Mild: Young Women Reclaim Self-Respect” (2007). She is sure to make a strong case for exercising restraint in sexual activity.
THE BISHOP OF EBBSFLEET, the Right Reverend Andrew Burnham, is a bishop who fulfils the role of a provincial Episcopal visitor for the whole of the Anglican Province of Canterbury. The position was created in 1994 and has been held by Andrew Burnham since 2000. We look forward to his staunch defense of chastity grounded in the teachings of the Christian faith.
ANNE ATKINS is a British novelist, broadcaster and journalist. A regular contributor to the radio feature Thought for the Day on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, Atkins is best known as a commentator on moral and ethical issues.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
SE&X course 2009
Hi all; lots of people have indicated that they are interested in attending the 2009 SE&X courses. Well.... places are already filling. If you are interested read about the course below and get in quick. I hope to see tou there!!
The SE&X Course (Sexuality Expression & Xploration) Youth worker education
Improving the sexual health of young people who are ‘at risk’
The SE&X Course (Sexuality Expression & Xploration) Youth worker education
Improving the sexual health of young people who are ‘at risk’
Australia has one of the poorest youth sexual health outcomes for developed countries. This means South Australia’s young people are experiencing more unwanted/unplanned pregnancies, more STIs, more abortions, suffering more coercion and violence in relationships, and less able to make healthy decisions or follow them through.
The SE&X course will improve the capacity and confidence of workers to engage with young people about relationships, sexual health, sexuality and wellbeing.
"One of the most enjoyable and steep learning curve experiences I have participated in, and the learning is fun…"
"Increased my confidence and developed my thinking around running programs."
"The exercises were different, confronting and relevant to youth work."
"Topic selection was really good – very broad and useful."
The course is accredited through the Australian National Training Authority and is designed around two units of competencies from the Community Services Training Package.
Course content overview
Topics covered include:
• what is sexual health work with young people and how does it fit with youth work?
• supporting diversity, including CALD, disability and Indigenous young people
• identity, homophobia and same-sex attraction, racism
• explicitness in sexual health training
• working with young men
• working with young women
• communication, negotiation and decision-making skills
• risk and safety
• legal issues
• contraception
• pregnancy
• sexually transmitted infections
• relationship violence and sexual assault
• domestic violence
• sexual health counselling
• designing a sexual health program
The course sessions will involve small and large group discussions, interactive group work, guest presenters, videos and participation in online forums.
Reading lists as well as activities ideas for working with groups will be provided on a usb stick.
The course may be co-presented by the Course Coordinator and SHine SA Indigenous Youth Education Coordinator.
Courses in 2009
Course 1: 4–5 March, 1–2 & 29–30 April Course Code: SHN 9060026
Course 2: 23–24 Sept, 14–15 October & 4–5 November Course Code: SHN 9060025
Venue: SHine SA
64c Woodville Rd
Woodville SA 5011
Cost: $350.00 (GST free)
Places are limited, ensure you enrol early.
Flexible learning
An online version of the course is available for rural and remote workers, delivered over nine 3-hour sessions using a real-time online classroom. This requires the participant to have broadband, wireless or satellite connection to the internet.
Dates: 15, 22, 29 June 20, 27 July 3, 10, 17, 24 August
Course Code: SHN 9060027
Contact details
For course details or to enrol contact the Course Administrator on:
Tel: (08) 8300 5317
Monday, February 16, 2009
Population Media Centre

This (Population Media Centre) is a facinating site that uses 'entertainment-education for social change. PMC’s programs encourage positive behavior change among the audience.'
Here are 3 examples of thier programs:
Here are 3 examples of thier programs:
- In Ethiopia, 74% of women age 15-49 have been circumcised.
The harmful practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (also known FGM/C or female circumcision) frequently causes health complications that can last throughout a woman's life and can even lead to death.
To effectively address the issue of FGM/C, PMC developed and held seven Awareness Creation Workshops. These workshops were the first part of a comprehensive strategy to eradicate the practice of FGM/C in Ethiopia. - Violence against women and girls is a pervasive global problem, often deeply rooted in cultural practices. However, people are often willing to adopt new attitudes, behaviors, or practices if they are convinced that such change can improve their lives.
PMC and the Emergent Media Center (EMC) at Champlain College have been awarded a grant from UNFPA to create an electronic game for adolescent boys aimed at preventing violence against women. - Population Media Center has received funding from USAID and UNFPA-Senegal for two radio serial dramas that will go on the air in 2008.
The three-year project will focus on promoting family planning use and improving reproductive health.
While I was posting this blog the world population counter increased by 1472
lud allen,
sexaul health,
World record for simultaneous kissing
MEXICO CITY (AFP) — Mexico puckered its way to a new record on Valentine's Day, when nearly 40,000 people locked lips with their sweeties to beat the world record of simultaneous kisses, previously held by Britain.
The new record was set late Saturday, when 39,897 people crowded into the Mexican capital for the group smooch.
"There are 42,225 people on site, but unfortunately you did not all participate in the record," announced Carlos Martinez, a Guinness official who was monitoring the crowds.
"The number of participants is 39,987 and the new record for the number of people kissing simultaneously goes to Mexico," he said.
The British record had been 32,648 people.
Tourist groups and community activists organized the event to make a statement against violence in Mexico, where more than 5,300 people were killed in 2008 due to a rash of drug feuds and rampant criminal activity.
The group kiss also aimed to send a message to a local mayor who tried to ban kissing in the public square.
The kiss "sends a message to the whole world about Mexico's respect for al kinds of freedoms," said local tourist official Alejandro Rojas Diaz.
Sex ed by teens for teens
Just a reminder that this site is really good. Looking at all of the writer site editers I didn't see anyone over 18. Go have a look.
As an example here is one of thier youtube videos:
As an example here is one of thier youtube videos:
underground photoshop activitst
Thanks to the About Face blog ( link on the left) for this info re people in Germany posting the photoshop techniques that have been - done directly on to subway ads so that everyone can see how fake they really are:

Go here to see more of the work.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Web Porn+young people
I have been thinking about this alot lately: Its a hard subject to consider objectively. In the past after reading 'The Porn Report' I started feeling okay about porn, how people use it and see it. However..... I think I am reconsidering my position. 'The Porn report ' was as a study of adult users who were happy to admit using porn - also much of the research was pre easy internet access.
I would dearly love to see some qualitative research about young people ( from the age that they start accessing computers), what they think about the imagry they see, how do they see this as fitting into 'media' how do they discern what is real and acceptable or not real and unaccepptable? Does it bother them? Does it make any difference or not??? I have my own ideas after talking with my children and thier friends. - but of course research and ethics makes it very difficult to 'do' research on young people.
Anyway - I am not saying Porn is good or Bad. I would just like to know its impact on our young people.
You may want to have a look at this site for some information re research.
I would dearly love to see some qualitative research about young people ( from the age that they start accessing computers), what they think about the imagry they see, how do they see this as fitting into 'media' how do they discern what is real and acceptable or not real and unaccepptable? Does it bother them? Does it make any difference or not??? I have my own ideas after talking with my children and thier friends. - but of course research and ethics makes it very difficult to 'do' research on young people.
Anyway - I am not saying Porn is good or Bad. I would just like to know its impact on our young people.
You may want to have a look at this site for some information re research.
I just wanted t0o remind people of this site that I posted a few years ago. Please have a look - and...... If you see a 'You are beautiful' sticker in the most unlikely place around Adelaide - I may have put it there. This site epitomises what youth work is to me: Here is thier statement.
"You Are Beautiful is a simple, powerful statement which is incorporated into the over absorption of mass media and lifestyles that are wrapped in consumer culture. The intention behind this project is to reach beyond ourselves as individuals to make a difference by creating moments of positive self realization. We're just attempting to make the world a little better. Intention is the most important aspect of the You Are Beautiful project in its idea of purity. Nothing is sacred. Everything that has a perceived value becomes commodified. We work extremely hard that this message is received as a simple act of kindness, and nothing more.Advertising elicits a response to buy, where this project elicits a response to do something. The attempt with You Are Beautiful is to create activism instead of consumerism. You Are Beautiful uses the medium of advertising and commercialization to spread a positive message. Projects like these make a difference in the world by catching us in the midst of daily life and creating moments of positive self realization. "
"You Are Beautiful is a simple, powerful statement which is incorporated into the over absorption of mass media and lifestyles that are wrapped in consumer culture. The intention behind this project is to reach beyond ourselves as individuals to make a difference by creating moments of positive self realization. We're just attempting to make the world a little better. Intention is the most important aspect of the You Are Beautiful project in its idea of purity. Nothing is sacred. Everything that has a perceived value becomes commodified. We work extremely hard that this message is received as a simple act of kindness, and nothing more.Advertising elicits a response to buy, where this project elicits a response to do something. The attempt with You Are Beautiful is to create activism instead of consumerism. You Are Beautiful uses the medium of advertising and commercialization to spread a positive message. Projects like these make a difference in the world by catching us in the midst of daily life and creating moments of positive self realization. "
More - 'Whats Happening to Our Girls'
Just in case my previous post didnt get you interested enough to check this book out of the Shine library ( or buy it yourselves). Here are a few more quotes.
"The number of teen girls who resort to self injury has increased so much that cutting has been labelled the new anorexia....While it is hard to know exactly how many girls are cutting themselves, because THEY DO SO IN SECRET, it is now estimated that 1 in 10 do so"
" Curious girls dont have to venture far to to learn more about self mutilation. There is plenty of material from the net. Here girls can read about the intimate details of celebrity self mutilators from Princess Diana to Courtney Love. If the don't know it already they'll discover how Christina Ricci used to burn herlelf with a cigarette and how Agelina Jolie., also a cutter, wore a shirt with her first husbands name written in her blood to thier wedding. Should girls log on to such sites as they will access to everything...."
"The number of teen girls who resort to self injury has increased so much that cutting has been labelled the new anorexia....While it is hard to know exactly how many girls are cutting themselves, because THEY DO SO IN SECRET, it is now estimated that 1 in 10 do so"
" Curious girls dont have to venture far to to learn more about self mutilation. There is plenty of material from the net. Here girls can read about the intimate details of celebrity self mutilators from Princess Diana to Courtney Love. If the don't know it already they'll discover how Christina Ricci used to burn herlelf with a cigarette and how Agelina Jolie., also a cutter, wore a shirt with her first husbands name written in her blood to thier wedding. Should girls log on to such sites as they will access to everything...."
Monday, February 09, 2009
Female Circumcision
Thursday, February 05, 2009
YAZ Pill
Take action and go beyond birth control with YAZ (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol). YAZ is THE ONLY birth control proven to treat emotional and physical symptoms of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) that are severe enough to impact the lives of women who choose the Pill for contraception. Plus, YAZ with drsp is also proven to help treat moderate acne*.( Taken from the YAZ website)
Here is what one of our SHine Drs said about the so called new pill YAZ media hype. "YAZ is packaged in a different form 24 days hormone tables, 4 sugar pills therefore shorter lighter bleeds and less likelihood of ovulation occurring. Slightly lower dose (20 mcg) than the usual COCP dose (30 -35mcg). May get slightly lighter bleed. No different to any other combined pills in that most of them are also on the PBS for premenstrual syndrome as well as contraception.
I guess the moral is - dont believe all the media hype ( what a surprise). This may work for some women and not for others - why not just take a continuous dose and stop the bleeding alltogether??
Here is what one of our SHine Drs said about the so called new pill YAZ media hype. "YAZ is packaged in a different form 24 days hormone tables, 4 sugar pills therefore shorter lighter bleeds and less likelihood of ovulation occurring. Slightly lower dose (20 mcg) than the usual COCP dose (30 -35mcg). May get slightly lighter bleed. No different to any other combined pills in that most of them are also on the PBS for premenstrual syndrome as well as contraception.
I guess the moral is - dont believe all the media hype ( what a surprise). This may work for some women and not for others - why not just take a continuous dose and stop the bleeding alltogether??
Loves Me, Loves me Not

I just watched a brilliant dvd ( that SHine has in our library) it is called Loves Me, Loves Me Not.
This is an Australian documentary of a young girl (Angela Barker) who was a victim of relationship violence. In the documentary her friends, parents, neighbours and friends of the perpertrator are interviewed. Angela herself is unable to speak because of the injuries she suffered.
This would be great to use as preventative stuff with young women and men. BUT it is heart wrenching and brings tears to my eyes.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Young men and abortion
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

This post was passed on to me in an Email from Mel - one of our excellent SHineSA workers.
Investing in educating girls [This is the print version of story
PM - Monday, 2 February , 2009 18:26:00
Reporter: Emma Alberici
MARK COLVIN: The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland has ended with no decision about specific strategies for dealing with the financial meltdown. One thing the forum did manage to achieve this year was to keep the fight against poverty on the agenda at a time when the developed world is struggling for its own economic survivalThere were few celebrity diplomats at the Swiss ski resort this year, instead the crowds were drawn to the Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus . He's the founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and acknowledged the father of microfinance.He argued that helping adolescent girls could turn out to be the biggest contributor to economic growth Europe correspondent Emma Alberici spoke to some of the women at the forum.EMMA ALBERICI: The session I just attended was called the "Girl Effect". And when registration opened here four days, tickets to this event were all allocated within minutes. It might have something to do with the calibre of the speakers who are there like Melinda Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. MELINDA GATES Right before the World Economic Forum I came from Tanzania, Ethiopia. A young girl, if she has a baby before the age 20, she is five times more likely to die than she is in her 20s. So we need to start talking to girls at a very young age, not age 15, you need to talk to them at age 10 and age 12 about family planning.EMMA ALBERICI: And here's living proof of what investing in women can achieve.HELENE D. GAYLE: The Honourable Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of Trade for Indonesia.MARI ELKA PANGESTU: Yes. Thank you. I grew up in a very traditional family. My mother was always telling me, "Don't be so smart, don't show that you're smart or you'll never get married, you'll never get a boyfriend," and so on. That was how my household was. I wanted very badly to do well in school. I wanted to do better than the boys, I had a very competitive spirit, but my mother was always telling me the opposite. My mother also didn't want me to do a PhD. She said, "For sure you'll never get married if you get a PhD in economics." So I had a very, very insightful father who from the age of 10 he said to me, "You have to do well in school, because you have to be financially independent, no matter what. Even if you get married, it doesn't mean that you're going to be financially secure. Your husband can die, you can get divorced." So the fights were always between my mum and dad and my dad always supported me until I finished my PhD. And because I have the chance, I became the first woman to have a PhD in economics in Indonesia.NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA: My name is Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, managing director at the World Bank. We've done enough studies that show that when you invest in a women, a girl, you actually have the greatest impact on the family. Because women spend 90 per cent of their income on their households in comparison to men who spend about 30 to 40 per cent in many countries. If a family's out of a job, it's probably better to train and educate the woman because she's going to have a better impact on the wealth of the household. So in this crisis I think we need to think carefully when we're designing safety-net programs to help people cope with the crisis. Not just to think in terms of the men.EMMA ALBERICI: But in many of the countries that you were talking about today, there is a cultural hurdle, isn't there? That women are simply not allowed to work, or not allowed to assume that dominant position in the household because in some respects in might insult the husband?NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA: Of course, yeah. Many developing countries and developed there is a cultural hurdle. I mean, look at us here in Davos. How many panels had women?EMMA ALBERICI: Not many…NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA: Virtually none. So it's not just a developing country problem.MARIA EITEL: I'm Maria Eitel, and I'm the president of the Nike Foundation. If we want to solve poverty and break this inter-generational, we should invest in girls before they're pregnant, before they're married, before they have HIV, then we solve all these problems before we have to spend money on them afterwards.EMMA ALBERICI: Are you concerned that during these harsh times, even companies like your own need to rein in spending and perhaps these sorts of philanthropic causes are the ones that are going to suffer?MARIA EITEL: I think we're even more committed in this environment, because when you have more limited dollars, every dollar has to be spent with the greatest thoughtfulness. And an investment in an adolescent girl; if you want to solve climate change, you're never going to solve climate change if you don't deal with population growth. And girls are at the centre of that. If you want to deal with the issues of water, if you want to deal with the issues of global health, HIV, the greatest infection rates. Seventy per cent of new infections of HIV are adolescent girls in Africa.MARK COLVIN: Maria Eitel, president of the Nike Foundation, speaking to Emma Alberici.
© 2009 Australian Broadcasting CorporationCopyright information: information:
What's Happening to our Girls

What's Happening to our Girls - by Maggie Hamilton.
This book is really fantatstic. It is in the SHineSa library and I reckon we should all read it.
Here is a quote just from the introduction.
"The book starts with baby girls, because advetisers are now actively targeting babies. They know that at 6 months a baby is able to retain brand logos, and that the trademarked characters on babies clothing and thier environment will translate into sales from the age of 2 upwards.This early process of turning girls into consumers reduces them to little more thajn target markets and had a dramatic and detrimintal impact on thier aspirations, body image and sense of self".
I dont kinow about you but this frightens and angers me - please have a read.
Great condom advertisements
Thanks to 'Hotmail' here are some gresat condom ads. Some of which have been banned. Some are funny and some are sad. Please have a look. Here is one to whet your appetite.
The first one is a banned Durex Condom Commercial. Absolutely hilarious, adorable and very graphically pleasing… not to mention inclusive. Very much a shame it didn’t make it to air.
This is one for the Straights out there… very amusing also!
Not sure where this one came from… and the jury is still out I think.
This is a Victorian based short doco from Nurse TV about the increasing rates of HIV and STI transmission in the state.
A quite confronting HIV prevention commercial from the USA.
A very cute condom reinforcement commercial from Thailand.
Another very funny straight one!
The first one is a banned Durex Condom Commercial. Absolutely hilarious, adorable and very graphically pleasing… not to mention inclusive. Very much a shame it didn’t make it to air.
This is one for the Straights out there… very amusing also!
Not sure where this one came from… and the jury is still out I think.
This is a Victorian based short doco from Nurse TV about the increasing rates of HIV and STI transmission in the state.
A quite confronting HIV prevention commercial from the USA.
A very cute condom reinforcement commercial from Thailand.
Another very funny straight one!
A new website to help clients with Chlamydia notify their sexual partners has recently been launched by Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. As well as general advice, the “Let Them Know” site provides examples of conversations, emails, SMSs and letters that clients can use to contact their partners. Emails and SMSs can be sent directly from the site, either personally or anonymously. To view the site go to:
A new website to help clients with Chlamydia notify their sexual partners has recently been launched by Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. As well as general advice, the “Let Them Know” site provides examples of conversations, emails, SMSs and letters that clients can use to contact their partners. Emails and SMSs can be sent directly from the site, either personally or anonymously. To view the site go to:
Half of Australians who use condoms as their main form of contraception are not using them consistently, and 12 percent of women using oral contraceptives miss taking a pill at least once a month, according to an online survey from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University……most people were using some form of contraception, primarily condoms or the pill, few were using them correctly, increasing their risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections…..Forty percent of respondents had never been tested for STIs, and 14 percent had been diagnosed previously with an STI. The most common STIs reported were genital warts, herpes or chlamydia. Seventeen percent of respondents said they were "unsure" of their partner's STI status, and 3 percent said they had lied to a partner about their own STI status.
The Survey
The news item
Half of Australians who use condoms as their main form of contraception are not using them consistently, and 12 percent of women using oral contraceptives miss taking a pill at least once a month, according to an online survey from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University……most people were using some form of contraception, primarily condoms or the pill, few were using them correctly, increasing their risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections…..Forty percent of respondents had never been tested for STIs, and 14 percent had been diagnosed previously with an STI. The most common STIs reported were genital warts, herpes or chlamydia. Seventeen percent of respondents said they were "unsure" of their partner's STI status, and 3 percent said they had lied to a partner about their own STI status.
The Survey
The news item
A 2009 SHine SA Sexual Health Awareness Week Event
Workforce Forum: Tensions in teaching about abortion
An interactive session about abortion as a part of sexual health education.
For youth workers, teachers, community health workers, nurses, doctors or anyone who work in the area of sexual health
· How do we teach about this much accessed service in a respectful way
· Update on medical and surgical abortion in South Australia
· Reality vs perceptions
Tuesday 17th February, 2009
5.30 – 7.30 pm (light supper)
Education development Centre
Milner Street, Hindmarsh
RSVP Sharon on 8300 5317 by Thursday Feb 12.
Places are limited so please book early.
This is a free event.
Workforce Forum: Tensions in teaching about abortion
An interactive session about abortion as a part of sexual health education.
For youth workers, teachers, community health workers, nurses, doctors or anyone who work in the area of sexual health
· How do we teach about this much accessed service in a respectful way
· Update on medical and surgical abortion in South Australia
· Reality vs perceptions
Tuesday 17th February, 2009
5.30 – 7.30 pm (light supper)
Education development Centre
Milner Street, Hindmarsh
RSVP Sharon on 8300 5317 by Thursday Feb 12.
Places are limited so please book early.
This is a free event.
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