Monday, June 30, 2008
sexualisation of children
This is an important debate particularly since one of the recommendations is the provision of comprehensive sexual health and relationshiups education for ALL australian children.
NYDC Beauty Editor: Making thin lips look fuller is one of the easiest beauty problems to solve; the right makeup can work wonders on your pout. Tell us how you get soft, kissable lips. We want to know!!! ( advertisement from the 'Dolly Beauty Blog from Dolly online magazine) - I believe this type of blog/advertising/comment adds to the sexualisation of children as Dolly is directed at teens-and read by girls much younger - Lud)
As an example here is an extract from Section 3: Effects of premature sexualisation of children:
Harms associated with sexualising and objectifying images
Body image and self-esteem
3.31 The committee received a considerable amount of evidence claiming that there is:
...[a] connection between the inappropriate sexualising of children and measurable harm, such as body image dissatisfaction, eating disorders, low self-esteem, poorer academic performance, depression and anxiety.[32]
3.32 The WFA, citing the APA report on the sexualisation of girls, submitted:
...exposure to ideals of sexual attractiveness contributes to body image dissatisfaction and eating disorders...[Sexualisation] was linked with three of the most common mental health problems in girls and women: eating disorders, low self-esteem and depression or depressed mood.[33]
3.33 Ms Melinda Tankard Reist, Director, WFA, offered the following statistics on rates of eating disorders amongst Australian girls:
...we know that one in 100 adolescent girls in Australia develops anorexia, which is the third most common chronic illness for adolescent girls in Australia and the most fatal of all psychiatric illnesses. We know that one in five are bulimic...A study published late last year found that one in five girls aged 12 and 13 regularly uses fasting and vomiting to lose weight and that fasting was the most widely practised diet technique for girls aged 12 to 19.[34]
3.34 WFA believed that this was connected to the 'overemphasis of hyper-sexualised imagery of girls and women that makes young women feel particularly bad about themselves'.[35]
3.35 Ms Gordon reported that, in her experience as a practising psychologist, she had observed increasingly younger children presenting with body-image and self-esteem disorders, which she felt was the consequences of their 'overt sexualisation':
I see girls younger and younger becoming depressed. We see girls younger and younger being hospitalised with eating disorders and with concerns about their body and their self-esteem.[36]
3.36 Professor Elizabeth Handsley, Vice President, Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM), explained that, apart from the greater general exposure of children to sexual imagery, ACCM was most concerned about the potential harms arising from 'how children are represented to themselves'. She explained:
We look around and we see images of children that are sexualised, not in the sense that they make children into sexual objects in the normal sense, but more that they associate children with the trappings of adult sexuality. So they do not necessarily make children sexual objects but they engender a self-image within children that is associated with sexual objectification.[37]
One more by me : How is this article from online cosmopolitan
"Miley 'regrets' topless photos But they've made her 'more relatable'
Miley Cyrus has spoken up about that topless photo, saying that the scandal has made her 'more relatable.'The 15-year-ol star of Hannah Montana appeared in Vanity Fair in march, topless but for a bedsheet covering her."I was embarrassed," Cyrus told Billboard magazine. "But it's also like, every career thing that I do can't be perfect, and sometimes my decisions are wrong. I think that just makes me more relatable."Cyrus admits that she regrets taking the photos."
How can it be that this 15 year old is getting the BLAME for what she did. - How abouit Vanity Fair coming out and saying " I am sorry that we sexualise children, we will never do it again" How about the photographer saying " I took a highly sexual photograph of a 15 year old - I will never do it again" - The lack of responsibility that people take for thier actions is just astounding!!!
Photoshop disasters
Believe it or no9t this is the same person!!
Scored - cool sexual health program
Saturday, June 21, 2008
What would you do?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Female Wet Dreams
Restoring the hyman to appear a virgin
'An increasing number of Muslim women living in Europe are seeking hymenoplasties to restore the hymen, the vaginal membrane that often breaks during the first act of intercourse, in an effort to prove virginity prior to marriage, the New York Times reports. According to the Times, Muslim women who are not virgins often are unable to marry and can face abuse from male relatives. In addition, young Muslim women often are "caught between the freedoms European society affords and the deep-rooted traditions of the parents' and grandparents' generations," the Times reports.'
I don't know about you but it seems that there are just sooo many barriers to sexual health and freedom that it sometimes gets me down. Why so much emphasis on virginity? why so much emphasis on intercourse? why so much abuse of women by men? ....and before you say " yeah but that article is about Muslim women!" what about this dumb page from catholic exchange saying that 'the pill' kills babies.....
Lets stop this crap and put our efforts where they belong - -ensuring that all people have health and happiness!!!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A mother dies every minute in childbirth
Across the world a mother dies every minute in childbirth or pregnancy this cannot be allowed to continue. Her children may face an earlier death once they have lost their mother and the family can be torn apart as the father tries to both provide for his children and care for them, according to the Parliamentary Group on Population and Development (PGPD).
Mothers are dying because they do not have access to family planning; this is not about providing abortions in countries where it is illegal but providing full access to family planning and education about unsafe abortion and where abortion is legal, to safe abortion. Currently no Australian Government aid funds can be spent on providing information on unsafe or safe abortion (even where abortion is legal) and this deters humanitarian and aid organisations from providing comprehensive family planning services. Australia is the only country other than the US to limit overseas aid funds in this way and if there is a Democrat victory in the US and the so called US Global Gag is removed, Australia will be the only country to do so. The current guidelines are in conflict with Australia's commitment to the World Health Organisation protocols and the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Swearing -taboo words
Mens Counselling - Start using it
Recently I received this email:
"Hello all,
we have quite a few appointment spaces for our men's counselling services at both Morphett Vale and Hindmarsh, and a majority of these are free apts, please consider referring clients etc to our men's program. Please pass onto your networks as widely as possible.Thanks"
Jim Roden
Men's Worker, Families in Focus
Family Centre South
197 South Rd
Morphett Vale 5162
PH : (08) 8392 3106
Fax: (08) 8392 3150
Practical man to man advice and support
197 South Rd
Morphett Vale
(Cnr. Conington Tce.)
And 184 Port Road
Hindmarsh (near the post office)
For an appointment at either office Please call: 8392 3100
So go on: Lets start using this much needed service
Friday, June 06, 2008
Marie Stopes Resources
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
SE&X course online pilot
The course will consist of 12 sessions each approximately 3 hours long. You will be using your computer to interact with other course participants and the facilitators in REAL TIME. The course is designed to be interactive and fun as well as confronting and real.
- attitudes to sexuality
- diversity
- homophobia
- what is sexual health
- assault and abuse
- STIs
- contraception
- anatomy and physiology
- working with young men
- working with young women
- negotiating sexual health needs
- sexual health counselling
The course consists of two units from the certificate IV Community Services and there is some offline componant involved.
We only have space for 8 participants in this pilot so PLEASE get in quick: All participants will be supported and given instruction on how to use the online classroom well before the pilot starts.
Hope to hear from you soon
It shows photographs and brief biographies of men and women ages 21 to 30, and asks visitors to decide whether each is H.I.V. positive or negative.
The message is that you can’t judge someone’s virus status by looks, occupation or taste in music.
What do you think?
The aim of the research is to gather information on issues surrounding oral sex and young people. The specific objectives are to review (1) the contexts in which oral sex occurs, (2) young people’s thinking and feelings about oral sex, and (3) how young people access information about oral sex.
A confidential report will be produced from the survey answers.
If you know any young people that might like to fill it in, please let them know.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Two heads are better than one: the association between condom decision-making and condom use errors and problems
Abstract Below:
Objectives: This exploratory study compared the frequency of condom use errors and problems between men reporting that condom use for penile–vaginal sex was a mutual decision compared with men making the decision unilaterally.
Methods: Nearly 2000 people completed a web-based questionnaire. A sub-sample of 660 men reporting that they last used a condom for penile–vaginal sex (within the past three months) was analysed. Nine condom use errors/problems were assessed. Multivariate analyses controlled for men’s age, marital status, and level of experience using condoms.
Results: Men’s unilateral decision-making was associated with increased odds of removing condoms before sex ended,breakage, and slippage during withdrawal. Men’s self-reported level of experience using condoms was significantly associated with seven out of nine errors/problems, with those indicating less experience consistently reporting more errors/problems.
Conclusions: Findings suggest that female involvement in the decision to use condoms for penile–vaginal sex may be partly protective against some condom errors/problems. Men’s self-reported level of experience using condoms may be a useful indicator of the need for education designed to promote the correct use of condoms. Education programmes may benefit men by urging them to involve their female partner in condom use decisions.
R Crosby1,2,3, R Milhausen3,4, S A Sanders2,3, C A Graham2,6, W L Yarber2,3,5
This study does focus on heterosexual relationships, I believe there could be similar outcomes and conclusions for same-sex relationships, what do you think?