Monday, June 16, 2008

Restoring the hyman to appear a virgin

The following is an extract from an article in medical news today'

'An increasing number of Muslim women living in Europe are seeking hymenoplasties to restore the hymen, the vaginal membrane that often breaks during the first act of intercourse, in an effort to prove virginity prior to marriage, the New York Times reports. According to the Times, Muslim women who are not virgins often are unable to marry and can face abuse from male relatives. In addition, young Muslim women often are "caught between the freedoms European society affords and the deep-rooted traditions of the parents' and grandparents' generations," the Times reports.'

I don't know about you but it seems that there are just sooo many barriers to sexual health and freedom that it sometimes gets me down. Why so much emphasis on virginity? why so much emphasis on intercourse? why so much abuse of women by men? ....and before you say " yeah but that article is about Muslim women!" what about this dumb page from catholic exchange saying that 'the pill' kills babies.....

HOW STUPID IS THIS PICTURE: How about a catch line like " Fathers
teach your children to love and be loved: To grow up happy and healthy as citizens of a better world??

Lets stop this crap and put our efforts where they belong - -ensuring that all people have health and happiness!!!!!


  1. Mate - this is disturbing news. In response to hymen re-attachment, it makes me wonder what this particular group of muslims base their relationships on - surely it can't be love. I hope not all Muslims base their relationships on such punative measures, such insecurity and dis-trust. It sadens me so much to read of this activity. Who's to say their hymen broke because of intercourse anyway??

    I was appalled by this particluar Catholic movement in regards to the pill. It reads like a cult doesn't it. Do they really think this stuff is going to have any impact on their cause?? It's a guilt trip, it's based on fear and lies. It's disgusting. From a theological point of view it's also disgusting and their action flies in the face of christian spirituality, I can't see how they think they can justify their actions at all - it's certainly not from a biblical foundation as far as I'm concerned. Fear tactics, lies, loveless, restrictive, suffocating, self-righteous dribble.

  2. I know. I'm almost rendered silent by this abuse and intolerance. ALMOST
