The theme for 2012 is Chlamydia ... It's Easy! Easy to get. Easy to test. Easy to treat. The aim is to encourage young adults to get tested.
ShineSA suggests the following ideas for events.:
Suggestions for activities
Each year agencies and community groups participate in Sexual Health Awareness Week in a variety of ways.
Examples of activities could include:
- hosting a workshop or forum with a guest speaker
- devoting a regular drop in/program session to SHAW
- running arts-focused workshops around the theme of SHAW
- organising a competition with a SHAW theme
- hosting a movie night
- organising an excursion to a health clinic for testing
We encourage you to think outside the square and plan events that use a creative approach to health promotion.
In the above picture is 'Paper Tiger' playing at the 2011 SHAW event at Victor Harbor
I have been part of several events and they can be great fun. So go it.
Interesting and important information. It is really beneficial for us. Thanks