Thursday, November 24, 2011

Orgasm brain scan

The movie animation - consisting of a series of snapshots taken two seconds apart - shows how 80 different brain regions (40 on each laterality) respond. It uses colors to represent oxygen utilization levels in the brain, displayed on a spectrum from dark red, progressing to orange, yellow and finally white (highest level of activity). When orgasm is reached, nearly the entire brain becomes an illuminated yellow/white. Go HERE to read more.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tough Guise

If you like Jackson Katz the author of 'The Macho paradox' and one of my hero's, anti sexism advocate, anti violence advocate and social activist; then you may wish to watch his 1999 film 'tough guise' which can be located here at The Good Men Project.

The phrase “tough guise” implies that the tough guy act is just that: an act. In real life, toughness is not necessarily masculine, and masculinity is not necessarily tough, but if you ask American culture, it will tell you the two are the practically synonyms. The Marlboro Man. The Terminator. Rambo. Real men. Gandhi? You pussy.

Go have a look

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Remember Ruby.


The late Anita Roddick (1942-2007), the founder of The Body Shop, wanted to do something about false representation of women. In 1997, the socially-conscious international cosmetics franchise and Host Universal created Ruby: a chubby-cheeked, chestnut-haired, computer-generated figurine. Ruby was the brainchild of The Body Shop’s self-esteem campaign, “Love Your Body.” Her size 16 image was accompanied by the caption, “There are 3 billion women who don’t look like supermodels and only 8 who do.” She sent the message that you should love what you’ve got, not loathe it.

If you’re familiar with Ruby, you know that she’s not easy to locate. So, where’s this confident and curvaceous character been hiding? You can find her here, alongside other rejected and banned ads. We can thank Mattel for Ruby’s label of “Banned.” The U.S. toy manufacturer thwarted the innovative campaign in its early days by serving The Body Shop with a cease-and-desist order; all posters had to be removed from American shops. Click here to read more.....

Great Website

I have had this described as 'A website that ticks all the boxes' Go here to have a look. The website is 'The Consensual Project'. Here is what they say about themselves:

The Consensual Project The Consensual Project

The Consensual Project partners with schools and universities to bring students a fresh understanding of consent. The innovative curriculum, workshops, and website empower young people to incorporate consent into their daily lives. The Consensual Project is committed to helping students connect through consent.

The Consensual Project Has Game

Sex and sexual communication is an art. For many in our generation, it’s called Game. Everybody’s got Game but not everyone’s Game is that good. This is where consent comes in.

Before we start, let’s be clear, Game can be Good, Bad and Ugly.

Go on: Explore this website. It seems to have a really new innovative approach.

Great Picture

Fantastic poster passed on to me by Craig Murray ( from the Southern ShineSA) who passed it on from one of the Y@s that he works with. Thought you might like this.

Sexual Health Awareness Grants

It's time to start planning for next years SHAW event. All you need to do is apply to shine for a grant and then host an event.

The theme for 2012 is Chlamydia ... It's Easy! Easy to get. Easy to test. Easy to treat. The aim is to encourage young adults to get tested.

ShineSA suggests the following ideas for events.:

Suggestions for activities

Each year agencies and community groups participate in Sexual Health Awareness Week in a variety of ways.

Examples of activities could include:

  • hosting a workshop or forum with a guest speaker
  • devoting a regular drop in/program session to SHAW
  • running arts-focused workshops around the theme of SHAW
  • organising a competition with a SHAW theme
  • hosting a movie night
  • organising an excursion to a health clinic for testing

We encourage you to think outside the square and plan events that use a creative approach to health promotion.

In the above picture is 'Paper Tiger' playing at the 2011 SHAW event at Victor Harbor

I have been part of several events and they can be great fun. So go it.