Check it out. It's a similar layout to Somazone. I've signed up for free weekly TEXT messages on safer sex.
Safer Sex is based on the Somazone website (http://www.somazone.com.au/) and offers young people:
- Information about contraception, sexually transmitted infections and sexual health.
- An anonymous and professional Q&A service that provides clear, unbiased, non-judgemental answers to any questions they may have about sexual health. The answers are provided by a panel of health professionals.
- A safe space to share their stories and experiences.
- A searchable database of Australian youth-friendly health services and organistations.
- The ability to sign-up for free sexual health SMSs.
I wonder what young people think of sites such as these - has anyone eva received feedback on them??? I know I find them helpful.
I have been checking this out and love t. I'll see if some Y@ will make some comment. See what they think.