This is brilliant.
This short movie is an excellent depiction of what the world would look like if heterophobia was really an issue. Switching homophobia on its head, to give people a real insight into what its like for many same sex attracted kids today.
Thanks to Adelaide Sexology for passing this on.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Hello Everyone
I just had this passed on to me. If you would like more information or to enroll go HERE then scroll down the page it takes you to until you find the Re FRESH forums.
SHine SA is hosting a workshop on Working with Aboriginal People and Sexual Health.
The day will include
Short presentations from SHine SA’s Aboriginal workforce
• Exploring the issues that prevent workers from dealing with sexual health issues
• A look at support resources available for workers
• Activities that will help create solutions for workers
• Sharing professional and community success stories
When: 28 May 2013 (Tuesday)
Where: GP Plus Health Care Centre, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
(Parking off Bower Street)
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Cost: $20 – negotiable (invoice issued on receipt of the enrolment form)
Your help promoting the workshop is greatly appreciated
Warm Regard
Dominic Guerrera
Online porn does not influence teen sexual behaviour?
In my FRESH courses I make a point of discussing porn and the impact on teen brains and behaviour. All of the information I have used for this - and in fact have passed on indicatres that there are some destructive forces at work regarding the links between viewing porn and teen behaviour. Well...
Researchers have found that viewing sexually explicit content on the internet or in magazines as a teenager does not influence sexual behavior as much as people think, according to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.
It was believed by many that viewing sexually explicit content could have a negative impact on the sexual behaviors of teenagers. However, not enough research was carried out to come to any concrete conclusions.
GO HERE to read more. I would welcome your comments.
You can also go here to here a recording of Dr Sven Axel manson talking at the Kinsey Institute re young people and pornopgraphy.
Researchers have found that viewing sexually explicit content on the internet or in magazines as a teenager does not influence sexual behavior as much as people think, according to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.
It was believed by many that viewing sexually explicit content could have a negative impact on the sexual behaviors of teenagers. However, not enough research was carried out to come to any concrete conclusions.
GO HERE to read more. I would welcome your comments.
You can also go here to here a recording of Dr Sven Axel manson talking at the Kinsey Institute re young people and pornopgraphy.
kinsey confidential,
lud allen,
young people
Batgirl is lesbian: Her room mate is transgender
Have things changed? Why are sexual diversities being included in modernised comics from such mainstreamers as DC comics? Is this incusiveness based on a belief that diversity is beautiful?Is it based on overcoming oppression?
Have a read of this piece from Adios Barbie.
In addition you may want to listen to this great TED talk 'Born That Way' talking about our made up binary gender limitations.
Have a read of this piece from Adios Barbie.
In addition you may want to listen to this great TED talk 'Born That Way' talking about our made up binary gender limitations.
We have body issues
Great comic from Colleen Clark which I had passed on through my Adios Barbie feed

CLICK HERE to read the whole comic. It's really good.

CLICK HERE to read the whole comic. It's really good.
adios barbie,
body image,
coleen clark,
lud allen,
Being a woman is not a pre-existing condition
This is a clip of president Obama addressing the Planned Parenthood national conference.
This just shows what can happen when we get great leadership and public support for sexual and reproductive health - and the ongoing need for non stop advocacy.
This just shows what can happen when we get great leadership and public support for sexual and reproductive health - and the ongoing need for non stop advocacy.
lud allen,
planned parenthood,
president obama,
womens health
Monday, April 29, 2013
Another new website - youthwellbeing project
Have a look at this website. Some good information, free resources and more. Here is what they say they do.
Youth Wellbeing Project is a Grass Roots Community Organisation - Impacting Australia and Beyond. We assist young people to navigate healthy relationships by equipping them with essential knowledge to make informed life decisions.
What do we do?
Youth Wellbeing Project is setting a new benchmark in youth sex and relationship education. We provide innovative, engaging and evidence based sex education programs as well as youth presentations focussed on the whole-person and their wellbeing.
CLICK HERE to have a look
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Consider Ageing
Working with young people around sexual health isn't just about being young, taking risks and enjoying sex.
In a comprehensive sexual health and relationships program we should also ask young people to consider ageing and sexuality. Why? Not just because all of us age. Not just out of respect, but also because this can give a mirror to the way media and dominant culture manipulates us as sexual beings. Acceptance of diversity is not just about GLBTIQ issues. It is also about acceptance of ageing sexuality, acceptance of non monagamies, acceptance of POSITVE SEXUALITIES regardless.
Adios Barbie has recently posted a series about ageing and sexuality/body image/beauty/etcetc.
Well worth a look. CLICK HERE Remember teaching moments don't always focus on STIs, condom use and respectful relationships.
In a comprehensive sexual health and relationships program we should also ask young people to consider ageing and sexuality. Why? Not just because all of us age. Not just out of respect, but also because this can give a mirror to the way media and dominant culture manipulates us as sexual beings. Acceptance of diversity is not just about GLBTIQ issues. It is also about acceptance of ageing sexuality, acceptance of non monagamies, acceptance of POSITVE SEXUALITIES regardless.
Adios Barbie has recently posted a series about ageing and sexuality/body image/beauty/etcetc.
Well worth a look. CLICK HERE Remember teaching moments don't always focus on STIs, condom use and respectful relationships.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Legal and Ethical Dilemmas
Any of us who work in the field of sexuality education are going to have our ethics challenged when it comes to meeting our legal requirements (mandated notification here in Australia).
I am interested in how others make sense of the issues that they confront. For example do you ALWAYS notify when you find out (or suspect) that someone under the legal age of consent is engaging in intercourse? Do you always suggest a police report if someone with an intellectual disability sexually assaults another person ( touches a staff member on the breast)? Do you follow the literal representation of legislation or do you sometimes follow a subjective interpretation? How do you get advice?
What about switching off? If you notice things when you are online after work hours - do you act on them or let them go. Do your ethical dilemmas disappear when your working day stops?
If you want to explore some of these issues you may want to come to the ShineSa forum on May 1st called Sex, Health and the Law
When: 1 May 2013 (Wednesday)
Where: GP Plus Health Care Centre, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
(Parking off Bower Street)
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Cost: $20 (invoice issued on receipt of the enrolment form)
CLICK HERE to go the online enrollment form BUT HURRY - ENROLMENT CLOSES THIS FRIDAY
I am interested in how others make sense of the issues that they confront. For example do you ALWAYS notify when you find out (or suspect) that someone under the legal age of consent is engaging in intercourse? Do you always suggest a police report if someone with an intellectual disability sexually assaults another person ( touches a staff member on the breast)? Do you follow the literal representation of legislation or do you sometimes follow a subjective interpretation? How do you get advice?
What about switching off? If you notice things when you are online after work hours - do you act on them or let them go. Do your ethical dilemmas disappear when your working day stops?
If you want to explore some of these issues you may want to come to the ShineSa forum on May 1st called Sex, Health and the Law
Professionals working with young people, the disability community, or people from diverse
cultural backgrounds sometimes fi nd themselves unsure about how the law applies to some
aspects of sexual behaviour. This means that they can be unsure about how to proceed in
providing information, guidelines, or moral and practical support to their clients and colleagues
concerning their legal sexual rights and responsibilities.
This forum will explore:
• key areas of law which relate to sexual behaviours and health
• some of the ‘grey areas’ in sexual law and their impact for workers and their clients
• the positive role of the law in helping inform healthy sexual behaviours and relationships
• key questions posed to the panel and facilitators by attendees
Panel members will include:
• Dr Peter Chamberlain: Senior Clinical Psychologist, Owenia House
• Trish Johnson: Criminal Lawyer, Legal Services Commission
• Detective Sergeant Peter Rodney, Sexual Crime Investigation Branch, SAPOL
When: 1 May 2013 (Wednesday)
Where: GP Plus Health Care Centre, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
(Parking off Bower Street)
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Cost: $20 (invoice issued on receipt of the enrolment form)
CLICK HERE to go the online enrollment form BUT HURRY - ENROLMENT CLOSES THIS FRIDAY
legal issues,
lud allen,
refresh forum,
sexual health,
More 'Dove real Beauty'
You might like the real Beauty campaign that Dove uses ( CLICK HERE) . I like it. But I would like to point out an ethical dilemma regarding the use of this campaign. Dove's parent company also owns the AXE brand that makes advertisements like the one below. Hmmmmm conflict of ethics??
axe brand,
body image,
lud allen,
real beauty,
How our appalling patriarchal legal system punishes the victim
The former head of the Family Court, Alastair Nicholson, says women are being put through distress and justice is not being delivered as a direct result of cuts to Legal Aid.
The retired chief justice says that the situation is so grim that men accused of physically or sexually abusing their partners are allowed to directly cross-examine their victims in court due to a lack of legal representation.
He says the situation is widespread and unacceptable and is affecting the rights of women and children.
Legal Aid groups say it's so traumatising that some women are too frightened to leave their abusive partners and go to the Family Court.
Go HERE to see the lateline episode
The retired chief justice says that the situation is so grim that men accused of physically or sexually abusing their partners are allowed to directly cross-examine their victims in court due to a lack of legal representation.
He says the situation is widespread and unacceptable and is affecting the rights of women and children.
Legal Aid groups say it's so traumatising that some women are too frightened to leave their abusive partners and go to the Family Court.
Go HERE to see the lateline episode
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
ReFRESH forum - Sexual Health and the Law
Professionals working with young people, the disability community, or people from diverse cultural backgrounds sometimes find themselves unsure about how the law applies to some aspects of sexual behaviour. This means that they can be unsure about how to proceed in providing information, guidelines, or moral and practical support to their clients and colleagues concerning their legal sexual rights and responsibilities.
This forum will explore:
- key areas of law which relate to sexual behaviours and health
- some of the “grey areas” in sexual law and their impact for workers and their clients
- the positive role of the law in helping inform healthy sexual behaviours and relationships
- key questions posed to the panel and facilitators by attendees
- Knowing what the law actually says in terms of sexual behaviours (consent/sexting/assault/age of consent etc)
- Knowing how this law is implemented
- Creating a space where individual ethics and legal requirements merge.
ShineSA is holding a forum for workers to discuss these issues. Come along and learn about the legislation and put questions to our panel of experts including;
- Dr Peter Chamberlain - Senior Clinical Psychologist - Owenia House
- Trish Johnson - Criminal Lawyer - Legal Services Commission
- SAPOL representative
When: Wednesday 1st MAY, 2013, 1.00 - 4.00 pm
Where: GP Plus Health Care Centre, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville (Parking off Bower Street)
Register: Online enrolment form is on the webpage: CLICK HERE to enroll
Complete the enrolment form by Friday 26th April 2013.
Fee: $20 (incl GST). An invoice will be issued on receipt of the enrolment form.
What has Star Trek got to do with GLBTIQ?
Does anybody remember Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek (played by George Takei)?
Well have a look at this picture he recently posted on Facebook showing the states in the USA where it is LEGAL to be fired for being gay.
Thanks George for this picture.
Well have a look at this picture he recently posted on Facebook showing the states in the USA where it is LEGAL to be fired for being gay.
Thanks George for this picture.
Gender : Navigating Masculinity
For those of you who have worked with me you know that I am constantly talking about 'gender' as a concept. The harm that our gender binary culture can create and ways that we can overcome this harm. Below is an article written by Kai Green on the website 'Everday Feminism' that is interesting reading. Kai particularly discusses navigating masculinity as a black transman. CLICK HERE
to read the full article.
to read the full article.
“Straighten out your wrist, Brotha!” When my boxing coach yelled these words, I knew his call was about more than perfecting my jab.
I have experienced the demands of Black masculinity and the responses to my failure to perform properly are not alI that different from the experiences of failed masculinity that I felt within Black lesbian communities.
But it is true, I am now a young Black American Male. People usually assume that I am somewhere between the age of 15 and 20. I’m 28.
The world is unkind to Black bois. The world is unkind to Black girls. But the way our gendered bodies are policed is different. Black bois are assumed thugs, thieves, rapists, and overly aggressive.
I knew this already, but I feel it more now like when I got kicked out of a Hollywood store because the owner assumed I was there to steal something.
He didn’t just make that assumption. This white man came over and hovered over me yelling for me to get out and to never return because “he knew my kind.”
I spoke calmly, but he kept yelling. I couldn’t help but think this man can’t see or hear me.
He could only see what he believed to be true about young black bois, and it didn’t matter who I was, who I had been, or who I might become. My future and past were predetermined in his mind.
I was the dangerous body that needed to be policed.
Semen Cocktails
I posted several years ago about a cookbook of semen recipees. Well... here is the authors latest installment - semen cocktails. Have a look HERE.
Disability/Sex/Intimacy video
People who are dependent or have a disability are helped in all the basic everyday chores. Getting washed, dressing.... But one essential and constitutive aspect of human life seems to have been forgotten: sexuality. And yet like everyone else people with a disability have physical desires, a need to be loved, a need for sex and intimacy. In France there are currently few or no provisions to take these needs into account, whereas in countries such as Germany, Switzerland and Holland they have existed for many years. Our film challenges the preconceptions that being handicapped means no sex, no physical desire or love. In a series of hard-hitting, moving and surprisingly frank interviews, we learn of the needs and desires of people with a disability across France. Also featured are interviews with other Europeans, to show that sexual help not only exists, but that it also can be made to work.
CLICK HERE to watch the video
CLICK HERE to watch the video
Interesting bird facts re Sexuality
Thanks to for passing this on to me.
I’m not coming from quackery now; take a look (11 short minutes) at this insightful and hilarious, yet highly important serious presentation on the death of a duck in this Rotterdam scientist’s experience and what that means…..about sex, necrophilia, homosexuality in a mallard duck species and life itself! Oh, and glass windows…
I’m not coming from quackery now; take a look (11 short minutes) at this insightful and hilarious, yet highly important serious presentation on the death of a duck in this Rotterdam scientist’s experience and what that means…..about sex, necrophilia, homosexuality in a mallard duck species and life itself! Oh, and glass windows…
Equal Play
IMPORTANT RESEARCH - Thanks to Frances Whaley for passing this on to me.
Dr Grant O’Sullivan the research officer on the Beyond Blue funded and Victoria University run Equal Play Study.
Equal Play is study examining the sport and PE experiences of same-sex-attracted and gender diverse (SSAGD) young people between the ages of 14 and 23.
We want to see how sporting and PE experiences, from good to bad, impact on health and wellbeing and future participation in sport and physical activity. We hope our results will influence sport and PE policy and contribute to safer and more welcoming sport environments for SSAGD youth.
We have recently opened up our recruitment nationally and I am hoping you could promote the below e-brochure though your networks and media. The brochure has an embedded click-through link to our survey. If you copy and paste the image the link will copy too.
Participants get to tell their stories about sport and PE and can also go in the draw to win an iPad. The survey closes April 30th.
You can also promote our Facebook page and find out more at
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Much appreciation,
Dr.Grant O’Sullivan
Research Officer
(I work Monday to Thursday)
Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL)
Victoria University
Phone 61 3 9919 4267
Fax 61 3 9919 9480
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