Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pregnancy Birth and Baby

I have just had this sites passed on to me by my excellent manager Helen. It is great - full of excellent information. Things like 

"Many women find that their hair is thicker during pregnancy - this is because not so many hairs fall out during the pregnancy. If this happens for you, you will notice that you lose more hair than usual two or three months after your baby is born, until your hair returns to normal."


The hot weather can be a time of risk for babies because they are easily affected by the heat. It is important to keep them from getting overheated.
Babies can get stressed by the heat and they need extra care in very hot weather. If you feel uncomfortably hot, your baby will need special care too. Breastfed babies may need extra breastfeeds during hot weather, but they usually do not need extra drinks of water. Bottle-fed babies may need extra formula or small drinks of cool boiled water if they seem thirsty. A 'tepid' bath can help keep your baby cool on a very hot day. The water needs to be warm enough to be comfortable; cool or cold water should not be used.
Put your baby in the coolest part of the house with a fan going. Don't point the fan towards your baby - use it to keep the air in the room moving. Dress your baby with the same type of clothes that you need to feel comfortable - you might only have them in a singlet and nappy, or covered with a light sheet in bed. If it is very hot you can try putting a wet towel in front of the fan so that it cools the air. Keep a watch to make sure the baby does not get cold.
If you have air-conditioning, make sure the room does not become too cold. A room temperature of about 24 to 26 degrees would probably be low enough.
Dress babies lightly, but cover their arms and legs if they are outside.
Avoid travelling in the hot weather if possible, or do it early in the day. Babies can overheat very quickly in cars. Never leave a baby alone in a car. Make sure your baby is in the shade in the car when you are travelling, as a baby's skin can burn in sunlight which has passed through car windows.

So ...Would be fun to work through this site with a young client 

CLICK HERE to go to the site

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