I have just been reading this e book from
goodinbed; Sexy Ever After Intimacy Post Cancer. I haven't finished yet (190 pages).
The book seems pretty comprehensive and covers topics such as : ( This book is currently free to download)

Part 1: What Does Your Cancer Diagnosis
Mean For You and Your Partner?
Chapter 1: The Most Common Cancers
For Men and Women
Chapter 2: How You and Your Partner
Can Deal with a Cancer Diagnosis
Part 2: Men and Women — How Can Your
Cancer Diagnosis Affect Your Sex Life?
Chapter 3: Fatigue
Chapter 4: Shortness of Breath
Chapter 5: Urinary Incontinence
Chapter 6: Infertility
Chapter 7: Low Libido
Chapter 8: Low Self-Esteem

Chapter 9: Low Body Image Due to Presence of
Tracheostomy, Stoma, or Colostomy
Sexy Ever After: Intimacy Post-Cancer
Part 3: Women — How Can Your
Cancer Diagnosis Affect Your Sex Life?
Chapter 10: Breast Removal
Chapter 11: Issues with Arousal and Orgasm
Chapter 12: Hot Flashes
Chapter 13: Vaginal Tightness
Chapter 14: Vaginal Dryness
Part 4: Men — How Can Your
Cancer Diagnosis Affect Your Sex Life?
Chapter 15: Dry Orgasms and
Retrograde Ejaculation
Chapter 16: Erectile Dysfunction
Chapter 17: Premature Ejaculation
Part 5: Best Practices for Your Love Life
Chapter 18: Top 10 Rules for Your Best Sex Life
Chapter 19: Top 10 Rules for Your Best Love Life
If you think this book may support you in your work or daily life have a read. Let me know what you think of it. Is it something we could recommend to others?