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This blog supports youth workers, community health workers and any other groups interested in youth sexual health issues. It is intended as an information and social networking place. Feel free to join in
All of the genitalia contain a huge number of nerve endings (the clitoris alone has more than 8,000 of them), which are, in turn, connected to large nerves that run up through the body to the spinal cord. (The exception is the vagus nerve, which bypasses the spinal cord.) They perform many other functions in the body in addition to providing the nerve supply, and therefore feedback to the brain, during sexual stimulation. Here are the nerves and their corresponding genital areas
· hypogastric nerve - transmits from the uterus and the cervix in women and from the prostate in men
· pelvic nerve - transmits from the vagina and cervix in women and from the rectum in both sexes
· pudendal nerve - transmits from the clitoris in women and from the scrotum and penis in men
· vagus nerve - transmits from the cervix, uterus and vagina
The role of the vagus nerve in orgasms is a new discovery and there's still much that's unknown about it; until recently, researchers didn't know that it passed through the pelvic region at all.
So.....What would YOU say if somebody asked you???????
Under the new law it explicitly says that sexual activity is not consensual if:---
obtained by force or threats;
the victim is asleep or unconscious;
the victim is too intoxicated to agree;
the victim was unable to understand the nature of sexual activity;
the victim was mistaken about the identity of the person they were having sex with; or
the victim was being unlawfully detained.
Christian's talk was full of the legalese necessary to identify exactly what is going on , BUT.... It was also full of scenarios to help us nmake sense of the legalese.
The important things covered in the talk were:
the Criminal Law Consolidation Act
Summary Offenses aCT
Criminal Code Act
Consent to Sexual Activity
Sexual Assault
Unlawful Sexual Intercourse
Indecent Assault
Online Grooming
Compelled Sexual Manipulation
Recieving pornography via mobile devices etc
This information was easy to understand and gave me a greater insight in how to deal with all of the weird and varied scenarios that many of us face in our day to day work
SBS began it's series Sex: An Unnatural History last Friday, at 10pm. Hosted by Former High Court Justice Michael Kirby and Julia Zemiro, the show will be covering topics like what is ‘unnatural’? How has sex changed in Australia over the last 50 years? What sex will be like in 2060 - will they finally invent something better than a condom for protection?
NEXT WEEK’s episode is quoted as being of particular interest to readers of Blaze… called ‘Taboo’. Later episodes are entitled ‘fashion’, ‘Religion’, ‘Love’ and ‘the Future’
The website has some interesting graphs about sex and comparisons about sexual practices and attitudes, and how they vary between the differeing sexualities of Australians. Check it out here.Associate Professor Lynne Hillier
‘Same sex attracted and gender diverse young people –
what is going well and
what is not in 2011’
Lynne is the leading author of Writing Themselves In 3 (2010), the third Australian,internationally pioneering national study of the health and wellbeing of same sex attracted and gender questioning young people. (She also lead the research team for the two earlier studies,Writing Themselves In (1998) and Writing Themselves In Again (2004).
Thursday 8 September 2011
Room 1, Level 1, 182 Victoria Square
(south-east corner of Flinders St and Victoria Square)
For further information contact Associate Professor Barbara Baird
Email: Barbara.baird@flinders.edu.au or Tel: 8201 3437
Down your beers then out-drink and out-fight us all? Sleep in the gutter and play footy in the morning? Yeah. Nice one.
When your mate Matt told you he’s feeling crap, you told him to “harden the fuck up”, or “suck it up, pussy”.
Or you probably didn’t know when your mates actually needed a chat or are feeling crap ‘cos you didn’t ask. I’m not talking about the chat you had at the game last Saturday, or at the pool table at that bar last summer.
We’re standing up to be counted. We’re saying it’s time we chuck out that tough Aussie bloke stereotype and bring back the laid-back Aussies. Speak up if you’re not feeling right. Soften the fck up like a real man would.
Tell your mates and your bros. Get on Facebook and Twitter. Share your thoughts or experiences. So go on, be tough and go soft.
It is time to admit something is wrong or isn’t right and take action.