Friday, March 25, 2011
Raising sexual health issues
Its a funny question to me. Its a bit like asking how do you bring up car issues with car enthusiasts, or cooking issues with food enthusiasts, or any other issue with any other enthusiast.
Most people it seems are sexuality enthusiasts. Many people have something to say on the subject. Most of the time all it takes is you giving permission for people to discuss sex, sexuality and sexual health. Instead of shutting a young person down by stifling the conversation how about finding ways to open up the conversation - find ways to give permission. Ahhhhh so how do you give permission?
Often its as easy as asking what someone thinks about something. Maybe something like HHmm I saw on Luds blog that there is a group for gay surfers. What do you thnk about that?
or it could be something like " "I have had other people in your situation talk about thier medication and how it effects thier enjoyment of sex - what do you reckon?
I'm sure you can think of many permission giving statements. Its not so much what is said, but more that something is being said.
Beginning to talk about sexuality is much like beginning to talk about any other subject. The more you talk the more you learn. The more you learn the more you are able to pass on what you know.
Sexuality doesnt belong in the dark. I for one am going to shine a bright light on sexual health and begin the conversations. Wish me luck!
homophobia loses out.
Tuesday night, Apple dumped Exodus International's "gay cure" iPhone app after more than 150,000 people joined Truth Wins Out and in calling for its removal. The app was pulled by Apple, as they apparently recognized that Exodus demonizes LGBT people, calling them perverse and saying that homosexuality will "make your heart sick."
To make this moment possible, Truth Wins Out applied tremendous pressure in the form of a sustained, two-week-long multimedia campaign that caught the attention of media outlets around the world, from CNN and MSNBC to the Wall Street Journal and Guardian UK.
This major victory for the Truth Wins Out community means that Exodus has one less platform through which to expose LGBT youth to their dangerous, hateful, and scientifically bankrupt
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Gay Surfers
Generation M2

SIN open day

12pm - 4pm SIN Open Day
Ever wanted to find out more about the South Australian Sex Industry Network, what we are about, what services we provide, meet our staff, check out our Safe Sex Shoppe and our sex workers safe space. Now is your chance, pop in, have a look around, pick our brains, load up on resources and get yourself familiar with South Australia's ONLY peer based health promotion project for sex workers. All welcome!!
4pm - 6pm Official Office Opening Party
Officially opened by Hon Steph Key, light nibbles and refreshments provided. SIN is thrilled to be welcoming Nurse Jessie Abraham back into the fold to perform her own unique brand of sex worker activism mixed with comedy and performance. All Welcome!!
6pm till 10pm Sex worker only celebrations
Sex workers please stay on (or come this bit only) and join us for a light BBq, fun and frivolity and office warming celebrations!!
276 Henley Beach Road Underdale
Ph 83517626 to RSVP
Ari Reid
S.A. Sex Industry Network (SIN)
276 Henley Beach road, Underdale.
Promoting the health rights and wellbeing of sex workers.
A Project Of the AIDS Council of SA