Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Help SHineSA Plan SHAW

Sex is something that is not often publicly discussed, although it is a part of our everyday lives; on television, in magazines, on billboards, on the Web. The images we see promote sexuality, but don’t teach us how to be responsible for our sexual health. Sexual health awareness is not just about preventing diseases, it’s also about open communication and acceptance of individual differences, resulting in realistic expectations .

Sexual Health Awareness Week (SHAW) aims to broaden people's understanding of sexual health and relationships, raising awareness of sexual health issues in South Australia.

SHAW preparations

for2011are about

to begin and we need your


You are invited to an initial SHAW brainstorming session!

September 2

2 – 4pm

SHine SA

Woodville Seminar Room

64c Woodville Road (parking

off of Bower Street)


The purpose of this meeting will be to:

- define the audience of SHAW 2011 (young adults aged 18 – 30 years)

o Who are they? Where and how do they spend their time? What is important to them? What catches their attention? What makes them take action?

- determine how this year’s theme ’50 years of the Contraceptive Pill’ relates to our target audience

- identify who SHine SA needs to work with to reach our target audience

- brainstorm slogans and images of the 2011 campaign

The ideas and information generated in this meeting will then be distilled and formalized into a strategy by the SHAW 2011 Committee.

Please RSVP to Jo Brown at jo.brown@health.sa.gov.au by Friday Aug 27

Thank you!


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Hi Lud,
    Finally got my arse into gear and checked out yr blog today. It's fantastic! Will visit daily. I would love to get to the SHAW brainstorming session but unfortunately, I am working!! Next time : ( I will keep my finger on the pulse through the blog.

  2. Hey JOYa. Great to hear from you. Would have been good if you could have made it. Oh well.
    Feel free to keep making comments on the blog.
