Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ejaculation without orgasm??

Many people would believe the myth myth that says 'Men always orgasm and you can tell because they ejaculate'

Well.... Men can ejaculate without experiencing pleasureable feelings and orgasm. If someone discloses that this happens to them - believe them. To hear more about this go to the Kinsey confidential podcast here.


Thanks to feministing.com for this entry

The violence so dominant in this society could find any number of apologists if personal willpower and motivation alone would undo the damage done. Someone could say, for example, The battered girlfriend can always heal herself psychologically with enough exertion and devotion to getting better. They might point to the ways in which physical therapy can do wonders for people with physical injuries, implying that mental therapy can and will accomplish the same. However, this is a fatuous comparison that insists a victim ought to be the sole person who is obligated to pick up the pieces. In this scenario, not only should this not have to be her responsibility, sometimes violence is so destructive that one never fully recovers from it.

Go here to read more

Monday, July 12, 2010

Jackson Katz

I love this guy: Jacskon Katz. A star in the sky working on gendered violence prevention particularly with young men and boys. Here is his website. He is the author of one of my favourite books ' The macho paradox - Why some men hurt women and how all men can help'

Have a look at his site. You can go here to hear him speak.

Sexual Health Podcasts

I just came across this cool site. Lots of podcasts about sexuality, sexual health etc etc.

Go here to check it out.

You will find podcasts on issues like:
  • Alcohol teen brains and sex
  • So sexy so soon
  • What do you wish people would have taught you about sex
  • and lots lots more