I had to post this on this blog. It is an email I recieved from a wonderful young woman who is concerned about all young men and women out there. This is being published with her permission. Feel free to copy and pass it on. Young people rock!!
Let me tell you a little about myself.... my name is Asha and I am 21 years old. I am the first child of Jo & Lud. My parents seperated when I was so young I don't have any memories of them being together. I was brought up between two houses, with my father and his girlfriend in the hills, and my mother by the beach. I have a younger brother and together we spent time with both sides of our family. I was showered with love and support throughout my growing years from both parents and I cannot imagine I could have come from a happier and more loving environment. Both of my parents have always been open and honest with myself and my brother. It is a relationship that is built on trust and friendship.
I don't know if it is because my father works in the youth sector or for any other reason - but to me, having a healthy and SAFE sexual relationship with anyone, just seems common sense. Not so. I am still shocked by how many of my friends, colleagues and peers can be so ignorant. I have had many chats with many different people in the last few months. These people come from all walks of life - different countries, towns, backgrounds and sexual prefences. Most of them are between 18 and 30 years of age. When I brought up the topic of contraception, the most common responses I got from males were "girls are all on the pill these days, I don't need to think about it" and "I'd know if I had something....!" A couple accused me of saying they were "dirty and diseased". I am not accusing you of that, BUT STI's DO NOT ALWAYS PRESENT SYMPTOMS!!!!!!! You may have had a check up 3 months ago, but how many times have you had unprotected sex since then, and are you absolutely sure the people you have had sex with are free of STIs? Not because you assume, but because you know and trust them when they tell you they have been tested.... recently and since having unprotected sex.
And no, not all girls are on the pill. I'm not. That doesn't mean I am going to have sex unprotected. If I am going to have sex with anyone, I will use a condom. I'm not meaning to cause offence by asking a man to wear a condom, but I actually value my health, and that means I don't want an STI! I don't know who you have had sex with, I don't want to know. And really - you don't know who I have had sex with either, so I'm not just asking you to wear one for the hell of it. They are made for a reason..!
Most girls I spoke with, were a bit more aware of the importance of using protection, but still not all practiced it. The reasons for not practicing it, generally were "being too drunk" so not caring at the time (probably more of a reason TO practice it!) and because the guy didn't want to wear one.... well, if you'd prefer to feel the pain and embarassment of Herpes, no worries, but I don't want to share that experience thank you very much.
Almost half of people I spoke with said they have had Chlamydia atleast once. They were all surprised that it is treated with just a tablet - I guess in that sense they are LUCKY that's all they had.. not everything will go away with just a tablet.
I remember afew months ago I was at the pub, I saw a man with his hand down his pants. I asked what he was doing. His reply was "I have Chlamydia, my balls sting, would you like to help by rubbing them better?" Worst pick up line in history, and No, I think I will stay away from your Chlamydia. Strange as it may be, that did not turn me on. At all!
Is this how society is? We see sexual health as a joke and nothing to worry about? I don't know what it will take to get through to these people! Even after talking with them about the importance of practicing safe sex and explaining that STIs don't always show symptoms, and just because you have a check up every three months doesn't mean your safe..... I know that some of them have still had unprotected sex...! Unprotected sex with friends, partners, "fuck buddys" and one night stands.
I'm not going to lie. I have had unprotected sex. You may call me a hypocrite, but we all make mistakes. For the record, it was with someone that I know and trust, and I know he had been tested and cleared. Still, I am wiser now! I wouldn't let it happen again. You just never know.
Whatever happened to prevention? You may have your regular check up, but by then you may already have an STI without knowing it!!! ...They do not all go away. They can be treated yes, but once you have Herpes, Warts or even worse AIDS, you are stuck with them! As well as that, some STIs can cause infertility if left untreated.
What more do we need to do? Seriously guys (and girls), buy some condoms... AND USE THEM!!!! If you can't afford to buy them, duck into your local youth centre or hospital and you can get them for free!!!!!
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