Passing on this email to you all.
Dear Friends of Say NO,On 8 March, we will commemorate International Womens Day. While there is much to celebrate, violence against women, affecting up to 70 percent of women worldwide, remains a major obstacle to achieving womens rights. We are seizing this day to Say NO to violence against women and want to count your voices and reflections.I Say NO to violence against women because it is one of the most widespread human rights violations. Why do you Say NO?Join the "I Say NO" testimonial drive, starting today until 8 March, and tell us why YOU Say NO to violence against women. Your voices will be presented to a global audience to raise awareness and inspire others.
Twitter: Use #ISayNO to tell your followers why YOU Say NO to violence against women! Follow us on Twitter, use “#ISayNO because.. in your updates and learn why people around the world Say NO to violence against women.Facebook: Join the conversation on Facebook! Check out the discussions tab, and share your reasons for Saying NO to violence against women and what you think needs to be done. There will be a series of questions brought up within the next two weeks and we want to hear what you have to say!Twitter & Facebook: Add the &&Say NO – UNiTE Twibbon to your Twitter and Facebook profile picture to help spread the word! The emblem will not replace your picture, but added as a small banner on the bottom. Let your followers/friends know and encourage them to do the same.
Every action counts! Whether you use #ISayNO and the Say NO Twibbon on Twitter, or you participate in the discussion on Facebook, your contribution will be counted towards the global action counter to end violence against women. Help Say NO raise 100,000 actions by March 2010 and drive the message to governments worldwide that ending violence against women and girls must be a top priority.Thank you for Saying NO. Let us count you in.Nanette BraunHead of Communications, UNIFEMPS: Don’t forget to check out our &&Video of the Week Women on the Frontline – Morocco on YouTube. Watch, share and be counted! Send your video recommendations to
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Great job at SHineSA
For all you brilliant youth workers, community health workers, nurses and others that I have met over the years. Now is your chance. Several positions are available within SHineSA. Below is a small blurb. PLEASE click on this link to find out more.
An opportunity has arisen within SHine SA, South Australia's leading sexual health agency, for a Community Health Worker to contribute to the promotion and improvement of the sexual health of the community through their work within a multi-disciplinary regional team by the development and provision of a range of primary health care services.
Ideally the applicant will have experience working with the SHine communities of interest and/or delivering group work and one to one education.
Download an application kit, here
An opportunity has arisen within SHine SA, South Australia's leading sexual health agency, for a Community Health Nurse (Level 2) to work within a multi disciplinary team providing clinical and educational services to improve the sexual health of the community. SHine SA offers attractive working conditions including, a salary sacrificing package and access to staff development opportunities.
The successful applicant will be a Registered General Nurse or Registered Midwife, registered with the Nurses Board of South Australia, holds a current practising certificate and has completed the SHine SA Sexual Health Course for registered nurse’s and midwives both theoretical and clinical components or equivalent.
Download an application kit here
An opportunity has arisen within SHine SA, South Australia's leading sexual health agency, for a Community Health Worker to contribute to the promotion and improvement of the sexual health of the community through their work within a multi-disciplinary regional team by the development and provision of a range of primary health care services.
Ideally the applicant will have experience working with the SHine communities of interest and/or delivering group work and one to one education.
Download an application kit, here
An opportunity has arisen within SHine SA, South Australia's leading sexual health agency, for a Community Health Nurse (Level 2) to work within a multi disciplinary team providing clinical and educational services to improve the sexual health of the community. SHine SA offers attractive working conditions including, a salary sacrificing package and access to staff development opportunities.
The successful applicant will be a Registered General Nurse or Registered Midwife, registered with the Nurses Board of South Australia, holds a current practising certificate and has completed the SHine SA Sexual Health Course for registered nurse’s and midwives both theoretical and clinical components or equivalent.
Download an application kit here
Friday, February 12, 2010
Homophobia rears it's ugly head
We live in a country that many people believe is tolerant towards people that are Same Sex Attracted.
Well tolerance is not good enough. Tolerance doesn't lead to equality! Tolerance doesn't lead to safety! Tolerance doesn't lower the suicide risk to young same sex attracted people. Tolerance doesn't lead to love and healthy relationships.
Tolerance implies that there is something to tolerate.
How about celebration? How about the strength that diversity gives us to mingle and create strength through MINGLING. Diversity IS strength.
Go here to read about the lack of acceptance and diversity as the Qld parliment passes same sex surragacy bill
Well tolerance is not good enough. Tolerance doesn't lead to equality! Tolerance doesn't lead to safety! Tolerance doesn't lower the suicide risk to young same sex attracted people. Tolerance doesn't lead to love and healthy relationships.
Tolerance implies that there is something to tolerate.
How about celebration? How about the strength that diversity gives us to mingle and create strength through MINGLING. Diversity IS strength.
Go here to read about the lack of acceptance and diversity as the Qld parliment passes same sex surragacy bill
Brilliant youtube re media/power/ perfect man/woman
Thanks to About Face for posting this video. I have posted it here for everyone to watch. KILLING US SOFTLY 3: A new production of the media education foundation.
If the video wont play go here to view:
Pubic hair removal??

"Here baby there momma everywhere daddy daddy hair"
I often have people ask about pubic hair removal ( or not to remove). really it should be up to person themselves what they do with thier own pubic hair. But....... there are some things to consider. Click on this link to hear a Kinsey Confidential podcast on 'pubic hair removal'
kinsey confidential,
lud allen,
pubic hair,
Sexual Health Awareness week

Sexual health awareness week is UPON us.
Sexual Health Awareness Week (SHAW) is a SHine SA initiative that runs from 14-21 February every year and targets young adults between 18 and 30 years. SHAW encourages them to look at the social, cultural, environmental and behavioural factors that can influence their own health.
The focus for 2010 is Emergency Contraception (EC). We are aiming to increase knowledge in the South Australian community about the safety, effectiveness and availability of EC by providing accurate information and “busting the myths”. Recent studies have shown that, while the use of EC has increased in Australia since it was introduced, not enough is understood about this safe and effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancy in particular circumstances.
We all know that accidents happen – a condom breaks, you forget to take your birth control pill, or maybe you didn’t plan on having sex and didn’t use any contraception. By encouraging individuals, groups and communities to start talking more honestly, openly and accurately about EC, as well as about their sexual health and wellbeing, this can enable healthy life choices which put people in control of the decisions which affect their sexual health, relationships and reproduction.
Go on - get involved
Beyond 'Thats So Gay'

NEW 2010 TOUR: If you don't know ' beyond thats so gay' go here to have a look at the website and see thier tour dates. Working on homophobia is everybody's business. Too many people are isolated, bullied and oppressed on the basis of thier attraction. Its time to stop homophobia. This is one way
'1999 the Australian Human Rights Commission initiated Outlink, a national network of support and advocacy services for young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people living in rural Australia.
Outlink found that despite the overwhelming need and gaps in support options for young LGBT people in rural, regional and remote (RRR) Australia, there were many groups already active in supporting these young people. Outlink discovered that young LGBT people have a more complex relationship with rural, regional and remote (RRR) communities than is commonly recognised.
A decade after, original Outlink Committee of Management member, Daniel Witthaus, will repeat and expand upon the work of Rodney Croome. Daniel, a challenging homophobia educator born and raised in regional Australia, will undertake Beyond ‘That’s So Gay’ supported by Uniting Care – Cutting Edge (UCCE), a regional Victorian organisation headed by Rowena Allen, another original Outlink Committee member.'
If you want other information about ways to stamp out homophobia in your community you can always contact SHineSA and find out what they are doing in South Australia.
WA has on line Chlamydia testing
Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In fact, women and men under 25 have the highest rates of chlamydia and the number of cases is on the rise. Because people often don't have symptoms, it can be very hard to know if you've got it or not.
A great friend of mine who used to work at ShineSA now works in Western Australia. She has helped set up this Chlamydia service. Have a look at the site. One of the things I like on the site is a self assessment of risk. Anyone could use this self assessment.
A great friend of mine who used to work at ShineSA now works in Western Australia. She has helped set up this Chlamydia service. Have a look at the site. One of the things I like on the site is a self assessment of risk. Anyone could use this self assessment.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
ShineSA leaflets and fact sheets
For those of you who dont know SHineSA has a range of leaflets and fact sheets that may help you with your work. Below is a list of them. All you need to do is go here and download them. Or click on the link under the one that you might need. Hop to it!!!
Bacterial vaginosis (PDF)
PDF Format(59kb)
Bone health, osteoporosis and natural therapies
PDF Format(56kb)
Chlamydia (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Choices in contraception (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Choices in contraception - Arabic
PDF Format(164kb)
Choices in contraception - Dari
PDF Format(165kb)
Choices in contraception - French
PDF Format(51kb)
Choices in contraception - Persian
PDF Format(162kb)
Choices in contraception - Swahili
PDF Format(32kb)
Choices in contraception - Vietnamese
PDF Format(189kb)
Client rights (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Clinic locations
PDF Format(54kb)
Condoms (PDF)
PDF Format(72kb)
Contraceptive implant (PDF)
PDF Format(62kb)
Contraceptive vaginal ring (PDF)
PDF Format(60kb)
Counselling services (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Cystitis using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(55kb)
Dams (PDF)
PDF Format(62kb)
Diaphragms (PDF)
PDF Format(89kb)
Emergency contraception
PDF Format(61kb)
Emergency Contraception: Busting the Myths
PDF Format(66kb)
Female sterilisation (PDF)
PDF Format(86kb)
Girls' sex stuff
PDF Format(57kb)
Guys' sex stuff (PDF)
PDF Format(63kb)
Herpes (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Herpes treatment using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(55kb)
Human papilloma virus (PDF)
PDF Format(55kb)
Information on abortion in South Australia (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Injectable contraception (PDF)
PDF Format(60kb)
Intra-uterine device (PDF)
PDF Format(65kb)
Library and Resource Centre (PDF)
PDF Format(120kb)
Male sterilisation (PDF)
PDF Format(87kb)
Menopause naturally (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Natural family planning (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Pre-menstrual syndrome using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Pregnancy options (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Progestogen-only pill (PDF)
PDF Format(61kb)
Puberty for boys
PDF Format(71kb)
Puberty for girls
PDF Format(74kb)
Safer sex (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Services for people with disabilities (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Sexual health and the law for under 18s (PDF)
PDF Format(63kb)
Sexual health services at SHine SA (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Sexually transmitted infections (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Arabic
PDF Format(171kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Dari
PDF Format(167kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - French
PDF Format(54kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Persian
PDF Format(165kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Swahili
PDF Format(56kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Vietnamese
PDF Format(181kb)
SHine SA services - Amharic
PDF Format(43kb)
SHine SA services - Arabic
PDF Format(111kb)
SHine SA services - Bosnian
PDF Format(97kb)
SHine SA services - Chinese
PDF Format(106kb)
SHine SA Services - Dari
PDF Format(146kb)
SHine SA services - Dinka
PDF Format(36kb)
SHine SA services - English
PDF Format(36kb)
SHine SA services - French
PDF Format(37kb)
SHine SA services - Greek
PDF Format(125kb)
SHine SA Services - Italian
PDF Format(37kb)
SHine SA services - Khmer
PDF Format(59kb)
SHine SA services - Nuer
PDF Format(143kb)
SHine SA services - Persian
PDF Format(147kb)
SHine SA services - Serbian
PDF Format(109kb)
SHine SA services - Somali
PDF Format(35kb)
SHine SA services - Spanish
PDF Format(37kb)
SHine SA services - Swahili
PDF Format(38kb)
SHine SA services - Tagalog
PDF Format(35kb)
SHine SA services - Tigrigna
PDF Format(44kb)
SHine SA services - Uighur
PDF Format(114kb)
SHine SA services - Ukrainian
PDF Format(110kb)
SHine SA services - Vietnamese
PDF Format(113kb)
SHine SA works with schools (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
SHine SA's Youth Action Teams (PDF)
PDF Format(202kb)
The Pill (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Thrush and vaginal health using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Vaginal health and natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(62kb)
Woodville GP Plus Services
PDF Format(78kb)
Workforce Development & Resources
Bacterial vaginosis (PDF)
PDF Format(59kb)
Bone health, osteoporosis and natural therapies
PDF Format(56kb)
Chlamydia (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Choices in contraception (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Choices in contraception - Arabic
PDF Format(164kb)
Choices in contraception - Dari
PDF Format(165kb)
Choices in contraception - French
PDF Format(51kb)
Choices in contraception - Persian
PDF Format(162kb)
Choices in contraception - Swahili
PDF Format(32kb)
Choices in contraception - Vietnamese
PDF Format(189kb)
Client rights (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Clinic locations
PDF Format(54kb)
Condoms (PDF)
PDF Format(72kb)
Contraceptive implant (PDF)
PDF Format(62kb)
Contraceptive vaginal ring (PDF)
PDF Format(60kb)
Counselling services (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Cystitis using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(55kb)
Dams (PDF)
PDF Format(62kb)
Diaphragms (PDF)
PDF Format(89kb)
Emergency contraception
PDF Format(61kb)
Emergency Contraception: Busting the Myths
PDF Format(66kb)
Female sterilisation (PDF)
PDF Format(86kb)
Girls' sex stuff
PDF Format(57kb)
Guys' sex stuff (PDF)
PDF Format(63kb)
Herpes (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Herpes treatment using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(55kb)
Human papilloma virus (PDF)
PDF Format(55kb)
Information on abortion in South Australia (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Injectable contraception (PDF)
PDF Format(60kb)
Intra-uterine device (PDF)
PDF Format(65kb)
Library and Resource Centre (PDF)
PDF Format(120kb)
Male sterilisation (PDF)
PDF Format(87kb)
Menopause naturally (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Natural family planning (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Pre-menstrual syndrome using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Pregnancy options (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Progestogen-only pill (PDF)
PDF Format(61kb)
Puberty for boys
PDF Format(71kb)
Puberty for girls
PDF Format(74kb)
Safer sex (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Services for people with disabilities (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Sexual health and the law for under 18s (PDF)
PDF Format(63kb)
Sexual health services at SHine SA (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Sexually transmitted infections (PDF)
PDF Format(56kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Arabic
PDF Format(171kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Dari
PDF Format(167kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - French
PDF Format(54kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Persian
PDF Format(165kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Swahili
PDF Format(56kb)
Sexually transmitted infections - Vietnamese
PDF Format(181kb)
SHine SA services - Amharic
PDF Format(43kb)
SHine SA services - Arabic
PDF Format(111kb)
SHine SA services - Bosnian
PDF Format(97kb)
SHine SA services - Chinese
PDF Format(106kb)
SHine SA Services - Dari
PDF Format(146kb)
SHine SA services - Dinka
PDF Format(36kb)
SHine SA services - English
PDF Format(36kb)
SHine SA services - French
PDF Format(37kb)
SHine SA services - Greek
PDF Format(125kb)
SHine SA Services - Italian
PDF Format(37kb)
SHine SA services - Khmer
PDF Format(59kb)
SHine SA services - Nuer
PDF Format(143kb)
SHine SA services - Persian
PDF Format(147kb)
SHine SA services - Serbian
PDF Format(109kb)
SHine SA services - Somali
PDF Format(35kb)
SHine SA services - Spanish
PDF Format(37kb)
SHine SA services - Swahili
PDF Format(38kb)
SHine SA services - Tagalog
PDF Format(35kb)
SHine SA services - Tigrigna
PDF Format(44kb)
SHine SA services - Uighur
PDF Format(114kb)
SHine SA services - Ukrainian
PDF Format(110kb)
SHine SA services - Vietnamese
PDF Format(113kb)
SHine SA works with schools (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
SHine SA's Youth Action Teams (PDF)
PDF Format(202kb)
The Pill (PDF)
PDF Format(58kb)
Thrush and vaginal health using natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(57kb)
Vaginal health and natural therapies (PDF)
PDF Format(62kb)
Woodville GP Plus Services
PDF Format(78kb)
Workforce Development & Resources
Blogging about sexual health
As a person who blogs about sexual health I found this article from the Kinsey Institute very interesting. It is titled ' Blogging about sex - Invitation to harrassment?'
Well over the years that I have been blogging on the youthnetwork blog I have received lots of positive comments from readers. Sometimes people leave a comment on the blog itself but most often I recieve an email thanking me for some information that I have posted.
Occaisionally I recieve less than welcome comments. Such things as attacks on me personally or even threats.
Yes sex is a touchy subject ( pun intended) and yes we have many different ways of expressing this. Diversity is at the heart of our survival - so all diverse comments are welcome.
Any way:::: Go here to read more about what the Kinsey Blogger has to say.
Well over the years that I have been blogging on the youthnetwork blog I have received lots of positive comments from readers. Sometimes people leave a comment on the blog itself but most often I recieve an email thanking me for some information that I have posted.
Occaisionally I recieve less than welcome comments. Such things as attacks on me personally or even threats.
Yes sex is a touchy subject ( pun intended) and yes we have many different ways of expressing this. Diversity is at the heart of our survival - so all diverse comments are welcome.
Any way:::: Go here to read more about what the Kinsey Blogger has to say.
Pregnancy Choices Training

Sexual Health information networking & education SA
Pregnancy Choices Training
This course, developed for professionals, this couse defines and explains all the options available to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. It is open to nurses, doctors, counsellors, community health workers, school counsellors, youth workers, indigenous health workers,
and any professional who encounters clients with unplanned pregnancy.
This two and a half day course includes:
• Global, national and local overview
• Exploration of pregnancy options
• Social and political context of unplanned pregnancy
• Genetic issues in pregnancy
• Cultural considerations and migrant health perspective
• Counselling responses to unplanned pregnancy
• Application to practice
When: 9–11 June 2010
Where: SHine SA
64c Woodville Road, Woodville
(parking off Bower Street)
Cost: $140
Enquiries and Registration
Tel: 8300 5317
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