I recently attended and spoke at the 'Diversity in Health' conference held in Sydney from march 10 -12. The conference aim was to bring together Australian and International leaders in diversity health practices across Australia and the world and provide opportunity to engage in dialogue at all levels, about priorities in health including the physical, mental, social and emotional well - being of individuals, communities and society.

One of the fantastic keynote speakers there was Emeritus Professor Anthony J Marsella. Dr Marsellas' talk was about global issues such as the impact of war, refugees, disaster training, globalisation and terrorism. Dr Marsella's message seemed to be that these events effect us here, wherever we are, in a strong and meaning ful way. If you click here you can hear him interviewed on SBS
It was clear from the information presented at this conference that ALL health issues are intertwined. Sexual health, mental health, physical health and well being. Everything is part of everything else.
It does seem to make sense, especially after something sad has happened in the world, you get that sense that something's changed - something's shifted. Some things seem to affect us more than others but maybe that's sometimes how the media portrays things or where the political hotspots are. Tibet at the moment is something which is really affecting me at the moment - I'm angry with China and I think the world has a great power to intervene through the Olympics. But something about the Tibetan's plight stirs in me - maybe it's coz they are such a peacable nation??? Yes I can also see those clear links between different factions of our health too and that is clear to see in clients we cmoe across too - health of a person has to be taken as a whole.