Wednesday, July 25, 2007

SEX on the Net

Recently came across this recording "sex on the net"from the ABC show 'Background Briefing': Below is the blurb about it.

"Whether adults like it or not, the Internet is where life's at for young people now - friendships, games, school stuff, comedy, adventure and sex. Teenagers are getting used to coming across pornography, and dirty old men. Sometimes they even turn the tables, and play indiscreet games. We don't know enough about the Internet generation - and government filters won't work on the new 3G phones"

Quite interesting. Here is the link if you want to hear the recording of the show.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Hey Lud...

    This is why we need to be talking to young people about both the positive aspects and the pitfalls of internet use. there is almost a need for a designated project worker to address this topic.


  2. I agree Rob: Any idea HOW to discuss this with young people? Its hard enough to talk to teens about safety anywhere. Much less in an online environment.
    A designated project worker sounds like a great idea. Funny - it probably wouldnt seem necessary to people that dont GET how all encompassing the web/net/social networking is.
