Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Have a look at this e-mail for the first idaho planning day in 2007. ALSO IT IS AN INVITE TO YOU FOR THE NEXT STAGE OF PLANNING

Hi everybody,

Thank you to all those who attended what was a fantastically motivational and exciting IDAHO planning day on Thursday last week. Your ideas and enthusiam was electric and we at Northern Voices all feel that IDAHO 07 is definitely going to be bigger, better, more exciting and definitley more participatory than 06.

For those of you who were unable to make it, the planning day entailed a meet and greet component for all in attendance, a brief description of the network and the initiative we undertook last year as well as a brief discussion of the evaluation and what people wanted to get out of the day. After the break we then split in to two groups and discussed either what kinds of resources we can produce as a working party for IDAHO that services can use AND what kind of events we can plan for May 17 to try and build the reputation of IDAHO in SA and get as many agencies, communities and individuals involved. The ideas that the groups came up with were fabulous, really creative and also really practical.

We then discussed 'Where to from here'? How do we continue this work and develop these ideas..... the planning day was partly to get other people involved to share the work for IDAHO with Northern Voices, with the idea that a working party might eventually be developed with people from different regions around Adelaide. This is almost the case already, and so we would like to invite you, both those already involved and those who want to jump on board, to the second IDAHO 07 planning day which has been set for Wednesday, February 21 at The Second Story Youth Health Service, 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide from 10am - 1pm.

The plan for this day will be to take these ideas and strategise about how we can make them a reality and to then share the tasks around.

IDAHO 07 is going to be an exciting event which hopefully grows bigger each year.... and we would love for you to help us make it grow!

Please RSVP to a member from the Inside Out team if you can make it on 8232 0233.


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