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New Continuum Chart to Be Used in Family Planning Essentials
USAID-supported research by Family Health International—showing that a simplified counselling chart can improve women’s understanding of contraceptive effectiveness more than complex charts can—began a chain of events that could soon help family planning providers better ensure that their clients are making appropriate method choices. As a result of the research, a panel of experts assembled by the World Health Organization drafted three simplified contraceptive effectiveness charts that were subsequently tested in India and Jamaica. Before viewing the charts, women’s contraceptive knowledge was poor: only 35 percent of women in the study in India and 58 percent of women in the study in Jamaica knew that oral contraceptives are more effective at preventing pregnancy than are condoms. While use of all three charts significantly improved the women’s knowledge, the chart that presented contraceptive methods on a continuum from most to least effective was slightly more comprehensible than the others. This chart will be used in the World Health Organization’s Family Planning Essentials: A Global Handbook for Providers and in the 19th edition of Contraceptive Technology (both forthcoming).
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