Two books that you may find interesting which you can get through the SHineSA library are the 'Quartely essay' issue 22 2006 - Voting for Jesus, Christianity and Politics in Australia and "The Male in the Head" young people, heterosexuality and power.

The first of these: 'Quarterly Essay" says this on the back cover.
" From the Hillsong Church to the Family First party, Australia appears to be experiencing an evangelical revival. In the second 'Quarterly Essay' for 2006, Amanda Lohery investigates that revival - its shape and scope, and what it means for the mainsttream churches and the nations politics. She talks to young believers and analyses the machinations of the Christian Right. She discusses with humour and insight, the appeal of the megachurch, the changing image of jesus and the political theories of Geaorge Pell and Peter Jensen
Voting for Jesus is also an essay about the use and abuse of religion in party politics."
I found this book to be easy reading entertaining and definately thought provoking. If you want to know what young believers think about, abortion, same sex attractedness and other issues this is definately worth a read.

The other book 'The Male in the Head' by Janet Holland, Caroline Ramazanoglu, Sue Sharpe and Rachel Thomson covers a discussion about social construction of sexuality. In particular sex, gender and power - and the gendering of sexual knowledge and "the collusion of young women with thier sexual partners in a reproduction of multilayered male power."
This is a fantastic book for anyone interested in gender, power and the roles our young people adopt.
In addition you may wish to hear what young people have to say about sexuality, sexual health issues and thier thoughts re life. If so go to the SHineSA youth podcast and listen to them yourself through your windows media player. There are plenty of other topics to hear in the podcast as well.
Listen here for an example
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AND - DONT FORGET The 2007 SE&X courses are taking bookings now. Below are 2 SE&Xers from 2006. One of the podcast recordings has them talking about their thoughts re the course.
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