Thursday, January 31, 2008

Get involved with youth sexual health

SHineSA (southern region) is looking for more Y@ ( Youth advisory team members). If you want to see some of the things that Y@s get involved in (like BDO and Schoolies) go here.
Otherwise contact Cherise at the details below.

Interested in sexuality and sexual health?
Want to see services for young people improve?

How about joining our Youth Advisory Team
Be reimbursed for your ideas
Work as part of a team
Get involved with Health Promotion activities

Interviews early March 2008
Training starts 15 March 2008

For more info contact Cherice before 22nd February at
Shine SA on 8325 8164
Woodcroft Community Centre
175 Bains Road Morphett Vale SA 5162

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

SEX etc

I have recently been looking at the website SEX etc. I find this site very refreshing: Here is what SEXetc says about themselves.

"Sex, Etc. is an award-winning national magazine and Web site on sexual health that is written by teens, for teens. It is part of the Teen-to-Teen Sexuality Education Project developed by Answer (formerly the Network for Family Life Education), a leading national( USA) organization dedicated to providing and promoting comprehensive sexuality education."

There is lots to have a look at here so delve in.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Inside Out Project

I just realized that I have been a bit remiss about letting you all know about information regarding the inside out project in Adelaide.

Inside out is a free and confidential health service for same sex attracted young guys 25 years and younger in Adelaide South Australia.

Go to their website here and have a look

Thursday, January 24, 2008

sex positive

Lately I have been listening to podcasts from here: as described below

'Speaking of Sex
20 minutes of sex and you with Nathan and Malika
Welcome to Speaking of Sex, a show that takes a fun yet unflinching look at sexuality and its important role in our lives and relationships. This podcast series features co-hosts Malika and Nathan who bring a bit of edge and enjoyment to these sometimes embarrassing and difficult-to-discuss subjects. They will be joined by expert guests and the occasional celebrity, and will at times venture out to the streets to hear what the community has to say. Each show provides current reproductive rights news and information on how to take action.
Speaking of Sex is produced twice a month, so check out our next episode in the coming weeks. '

The last one I listened to was a podcast of the Benefits of sex (of which there are many). This led me to think about the missing side of sexual health and relationships education. eg - Sex for pleasure and a positive life. If you want to hear of the benefits of sex listen here.

The quote from Ariel Levy - the author of 'Female Chauvinist Pigs and the rise of raunch culture had some things to say about sex ed which I published in my last posting. In addition Roger Ingham in his article ' We didn't cover that at school':education against pleasure or education for pleasure' Sex Education Vol5, No 4, November 2005, pp375-388 argues that " While it may be unacceptable in most cultures to suggest that teaching young people how to achieve sexual pleasure is valuable, there are increasing indications - that public health outcomes may benefit from a greater acceptance of positive sexual experiences. It is suggested that greater comfort with ones own body will enable greater ability to communicate wishes to others, and be less 'pressured' into unwanted relationships."

Any thoughts??

SHine SA is having a PARTY


FEB 14 to 21

80s party launch


Date: Wednesday 13 February 2008
Time: 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
Location: Northern Sound SystemCrn Elizabeth Way and Woodford RoadElizabeth (behind the skate park)
Dress code: Your best 80’s gear
Music: DJ Fish the Fat Man
Entertainment: Dr Lillian Lush
For more information contact: Lucy on 8300 5300

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

T shirts -are they harmless??

I was reading the Audrey Brasich blog I have listed to the right .

In one of her entry's she did a posting about these t-shirts

It's hard to believe that someone is printing these and especially hard to believe that a young girl would want to wear one. What is it about our culture that promotes this as a desireable career?

Am I just being puritanical? Is this really harmless humour? What would you say if your 10 year old ( or 12 or 14, or 16, or 18) sister/daughter/ wanted one of these? How would you address a group of young people that were wearing these tshirts? Or perhaps you are working with young boys that wears this this one that says Liquor Up Front, Poker in the Rear
The add for this shirt says 'A sexy pinup girl is the centerpiece of this pub logo parody for the fictitious Last Chance Inn: . A funny shirt '

What do you think this does for teaching about respectful and equal relationships?

Monday, January 21, 2008

POSH = Peers Outsmarting Homophobia

This is pretty cool site from Latrobe university. Go have a look: You can download a great free booklet.

'Homophobia - you don't have to wear it' is the message of this booklet. Beliefs about yourself are like your clothes. If all your clothes (self beliefs) are itchy, smelly and dirty (or sad, bad and mad), you'll feel bad when you wear them. But if you have clean, soft, warm, stylish, comfortable clothes you'll feel great when you wear them.
It's really up to you. Read what other young people have to say and make sure you have lots of beliefs to choose from that make you feel good when you wear them. That way you will always outsmart homophobia.'

Female Chauvinist Pigs

I have mentioned this book before: It is one I think that every young woman and young man should read. Here are a few quotes from this book. ( The book is available for loan through the SHineSA library)

" If you process this information through the average adolescent mental computer, you end up with a printout that reads something like this: Girls have to be hot. Girls who aren't hot probably need breast implants. Once a girl is hot, she should be as close to naked as possible all the time. Guys should like it. Don't have sex"

"Rather than only telling teens why they shouldn't have sex, perhaps we also ought to be teaching them why they should. We are doing little to help them differentiate thier sexual desires from thier desire for attention...................if we are bold enough to cross that boundry to tell young people not to have intercourse, surely, while we are at it, it is appropriate - it is our obligation - to talk to them about how to understand and cope with and enjoy thier sexuality. Sex is different from drugs; we can't tell them just to say no and leave it at that. Sexuality isn't something they can opt out of."

Song by Kasey Chambers

I was just talking to a young girl and she was accusing me of forgetting what it is like to be young. With big ups and downs and intense emotions. (Of course she is right). I asked her to explain in a way I could understand. She also said that that the services she has accessed have been part of this process of making her feel small and useless.

She suggested I listen to this song:

Does anyone have suggestions of other songs that we might load onto this site????

How many time do we have to say it!!

This is from YET another study in the USA. It's about time to stop the debate and get comprehensive sexual health and relationships curriculum in all our schools.

In a national survey of more than 2,000 adolescents between 15 and 19 years old, the researchers found that teens who had sex ed in school were more likely to put off sex until at least age 15. Furthermore, boys who received sex ed were less likely to have started having sex at all.

Overall, the researchers conclude that “sex education provides youth with the knowledge and skills to make healthy and informed decisions about sex, and this study indicates that sex education is making a difference in the sexual behaviors of American youth.”

If you want to read more go here

Hello again

Here are some interesting figures: If you want to read more go here.

50-60% of women will never have an orgasm via intercourse and will require clitoral stimulation to climax.
30% of women will have a reliable orgasm with intercourse.
10% of women will orgasm with intercourse and could possibly have sequential orgasms.
5% of women have true multiple orgasms only through intercourse and these women typically find oral sex uncomfortable.

Orgasm is great , but we sure do put a lot of emphasis on it - don't we