We discussed police checks and the need for them to be in ASAP.
Discussed the SACHRU Evaluation which we will be discussing at the all of Y@ meeting
We started to organise our team building day, we will be going to lunch at Victor Harbour followed by the wildlife park.
We spoke about SHAW, the evaluation and what events we would like to do, we will be doing pub crawls and drive throughs as they seemed to work well last year.
Kellie discussed the office for youth, youth participation register, for people who are interested in doing some extra work around youth participation.
The all Y@ meeting at the botanic gardens was talked about and we discussed our team info sharing ideas.
The requests that we spoke about included:- Podcasting training and SHAW evaluation.
We spoke about the program feedback from the youth participation workshop, the pregnancy advisory centre information session and the presentation at the all staff meeting.
The southern Y@ members are interested in some training ideas for us to do, if anyone can recommend some good training opportunities that go for about 2 hours that would be great.
Jemma discussed the possibility of the Southern Y@ team running a youth week event and applying for a grant through the onkaparinga council, so we discussed ideas about where, when and what we can do. We are thinking that we might do an event collaboratively with Reynella youth centre with bands and other entertainment, maybe even a circutron ride on a Saturday afternoon during national youth week.
Curious about ways of being supported through the process of police checks as some were finding the process a bit intimidating, especially if they had not been inside a police station before.
The Northern Y@’s are also keen to follow up some of the issues that came out of the Youth Forum (seeking better ways of (youth) servicing and providing youth-friendly activities in the North) from last year, but have agreed to address this next year, after Christmas, New Year and SHAW are over. Expect more about this later.
There was definitely interest in pod casting and Luke and April were keen to attend training.
The Y@’s were keen at the suggestion of offering further training in areas relating to sexual health, such as the SE&X course and possibly training around CALD youth issues, so this is on the agenda to follow up for next year.
Melissa spoke to the Y@’s about the Save-a-mate programme and April is exploring this further.
There was also interest in the Youth Participation Register, the info card that Kellie handed out at the last Y@ worker meeting and some Y@’s are going to explore the website for further information.
Still working on SHAW agenda, and brainstormed some good stuff for the SACHRU recommendations.
Continuing to explore promoting SHine SA & Y@ in the Western Region
Hannah & Sasha interested in participating in SHAW 06 Post Promotion Evaluation
11th November 06 PRIDE March - We are ready… FABULOUS!
Team Building - planned to support Talia & Hannah @ FEAST Art Exhibition - Stuf with one F @ Carclew 7th November 06
Also planning a trip in the new year to Port Elliot for Lawn Bowling & other fun stuff… by the beach…
POD Casting Training with LUD 9th November @ Kensington @ 4.30pm (nominated Y@s from each region)
Updating Y@ T-Shirt Design… a work in progress
All of Y@ Meeting 4th December 06 in the Botanic Park - Mad Hatters Picnic (the theme) East West hosting the event… seriously funny business.